A hunch

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Joe won't leave me alone. He talks to me all the time, and he keeps worrying that I won't call him if I'm in trouble. He says Maverick and him just want to keep me safe. And that's the other thing, the more I hear Maverick talk, the more I recognize his voice. I don't know where I know it from, but I'm sure I've heard it somewhere if I could just place it.
"Pamela," my heart does an uncomfortable lurch as Joe's voice travels down the hall. Friends. Remember. Just friends. I mean come on.
I turn around, slowly he hobbles up to me. I wait for him to stop, the smell of his woodlands cologne hitting me like a wave.
"What?" He smiles looking down at me, his perfect teeth glistening, golden locks falling over his eyes. I look up to him.
"Nothing, you were the one that said my name," I haven't been able to get over him yet. It's annoying, I know he's only being nice to me as a friend, and honestly I can't stand that I have feelings for him. It's not even like I can control them. They just are, and I'm stuck liking him.
"You're blushing," he smiles jovially.
"Is there a specific reason you wanted to talk to me, or were you just calling out my name to hear how it sounds," I cross my arms. No I'm annoying. I'm clingy. And I have anxiety. I am not datable.
"No, my family wants to invite your family over to dinner, so I wanted to ask you to ask them."
"They what?"
"Dinner, my place, Friday night, tell your brother to bring some comics to talk about," he winks and then clumsily turns around and hobbles away.
"You're less smooth with crutches,"
"Shut up!" He calls back as he continues to hobble away.

"Hey Pamela," Maverick is coming up behind me.
"Hey," I say.
"Can I call you Pam," I look at him curiously.
"Why not," I shrug.
"Good, Pam, do you think he realizes yet that he likes you?"
"What?" I'm dumbfounded.
"I don't know, he talks about you WAY TOO much to be indifferent, but I think he would die before he tells me anything,"
"I think he'll die before he tells a lot of people anything."
We shake our heads.
"Hey Maverick, I have a question for you,"
"Yeah, what's up?"
"Why does your voice sound so familiar to me," he freezes for a millisecond and then looks down at me.
"I don't know, you do talk to me a lot now a days,"
"I know, but it's something else," he looks down at me mirroring my face of confusion, and then shrugs.
"Can't help you there," he laughs. Which makes me even more curious. Is he hiding something?

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