A hug

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"What do you think you're doing walking away from me when we're in the middle of a conversation?!" I'm running up the stairs, leaving my father fuming in the kitchen.
"Fine go ahead and run! Get away, you coward!"
"Baby," my mom's sweet voice is coming from the stairs. She approaches me, hands on my shoulders.
"Are you okay?" I can feel myself falling apart, tears welling up in my eyes.
"I think I need a walk," and without another glance back, I fling the front door open, and throw myself outside. My body collides with something hard. I look up to make eye contact with Joe. The door swings shut, and Joe's hands gently catch my shoulders.
His blue green eyes look into mine, golden hair falling around his face. His face blurs as fresh tears fall down my cheeks.
"You okay?" He asks softly.
"I, um, well, I mean, you didn't hear it did you?" His eyebrows are knitting together as he deeply inhales and pulls me into him. He feels safe and soft. His forest cologne mingling in the air. I wish he did nothing. I wish he'd just leave me alone, and not care like everyone else. But he doesn't, he stands there, a hand rubbing my back, and I cry. My hands shakily reach up and grip the back of his shirt. His shirt is scrunched in my grasp, his smooth skin underneath.
"Joe, I, I'm sorry, I," my words come out in between sobs. "I'm embarrassed, I, I can't believe, I just."
"Pamela," his voice is soft and low.
"Pamela, it's okay, my dad's pretty rough too. But they're not all bad, right?" I nod tearfully. And then I pull back. I can't let him in.
"Yeah," I want to scream but I don't.
I wipe the tears from my eyes.
"Why are you here?" I ask, not making eye contact. I'm staring at his hair, which is perfect.
"I wanted to give your brother these," and he reaches over to a shelf that he had stored a stack of old comic books in.
"But I was just going to leave them because you guys were busy."
A crude laugh comes from my throat.
"Thank you. I'm sure my brother will appreciate them," I reach up to grip the shelf tightly.
"I'll see you tomorrow," I go to turn around.
"Pamela, I...," I turn around again, scrunching my brows.
"What?" His eyes are swimming with some kind of emotion. I don't know what it is.
"Well, I'll see you at school tomorrow. Have a good night," and then he turns around.
I slowly open the front door and step back inside. Inside my father is standing.
"I'm sorry I got so mad Pamela. All I could think was that you ran away too. I love you a lot, and I don't mean to be unkind. I really don't and I'm sorry. I'm trying to do better. I'm sorry." I walk up slowly and give my dad I hug.
"I know daddy. I know you are," and that's the thing about my dad. That's what keeps me here. No matter how mad he gets, he always tries to do better, and he doesn't want to be the way that he is. He wants to be better. I can't give up on them as long as the Lord won't give up on me. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I'll let him talk to me this way forever. But somehow, some way, there has to be a way through this together. Without me leaving. Without me losing my dad forever. Maybe when I get out of here. When I can have financial stability. Maybe then I'll survive this hell and get to the other side.

The part where my dad respects me.

Respects my opinions. He listens. Maybe there's a day like that. Maybe there's a way out where I get to keep my dad and I alive together. I pray that's how this ends. I can't die like this.

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