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Poised behind a large oak I aim for a section of wood ten feet from me, as my hand presses down on the trigger I watch the wood in front of me blister away. A gaping hole is left in the tree.
Jeremy is doing the same to another tree not too far away. We both laugh, as one by one, large holes blossom within them.
"Hey Steven,"
"Hmm," I say aiming at another tree.
"Have you ever thought about shooting living things,"
"My dad always says one day he'll take me hunting."
"That's not what I mean," I freeze, gun in hand.
"What do you mean?" I let the gun rest at my side.
"You know, have you ever thought about shooting a person." My brows crease.
"Yeah, why?"
"I have too," bang another bullet wedges in a tree. We both look at it. I think we're both thinking the same thing. There's a silence that quivers in the air, like we're about to have a really important conversation.
"You wanna do it?" Bang, another bullet in a nearby tree. I aim my gun, and shoot at another tree.
"Depends what you're thinking,"
"What if we shoot all of those meat heads that bullied us at school," I laugh. I can think of a few of those that deserve it.
"What's your plan?"
"I don't know, that's why I asked you,"
"How are we going to get all the ammo?"
"I can tell Melanie I'm practicing,"
"And I already know how to make my own bombs."
"Also fair," I aim my gun at another tree.
"you're down?"
"Honestly at this point I don't think I could disappoint people more than I already have, I say we do it."
I watch ribbons of wood fall off of the tree. I can already almost see the face resting atop a pair of shoulders in the trees.
"We killing ourselves afterward,"
"Sounds like fun," It's so strange talking about this. It's so surreal, but I wouldn't want to live after that. Some people may deserve to pay, but I'd hate to see the look in my mom's eyes when I do.
I smile.
"It's a deal then, have a date in mind?"
"Two weeks from now,"
"Then I guess we gotta get cracking," And with that I wedge my last bullet from the mag into a small young tree, The tree snaps in half, one half thrown to the ground like an unsuspecting head severed from the rest of its' body. For some reason it feels thrilling, like destiny. I guess this is how it feels, then, to plan to kill someone.

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