My best friend

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My parents are here now. They sit in a chair across from the bed. They both just look at me blankly. I do the same. What am I supposed to say? My best friend just shot me in the stomach, not to mention the amount of people he killed... my parents were close to aliana too.
I haven't broken the news the them yet about any of that. To be honest I wish I would never have to tell them. They know Steven. They love Steven as much as I did.... Do. Because now that I've heard it from his own lips I know he thought I was selfish. I wish he would have told me what he was going through. I wish he would have asked for help. But then again, he's right. I don't think through stuff like that. It's easier for me to think about my needs instead. I think that's the worst part. There's a part of me that feels like it's my fault for letting it happen. I saw him all alone at the lunch table. I saw that look in his eyes. I chose to let him let me go. I didn't fight for him like a best friend should have. I left him vulnerable and alone when he needed me most. I'm sure it was Jeremy that got to him. Put the idea in his head.  Not that it negates what he did. But if I had been there. I could have aligned his thinking better. I could tell him the lies he was believing. I could have been better and stronger for him. But instead I was blinded by what was important to me.

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