Judgment from the church

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The sun bleeds through the windows of the church. People's eyes blare like small suns in our direction. They all want to know. They already know that the shooting happened. They're all waiting to talk to us after church. They all want something. Which makes me smile. Don't we all. I guess that's human nature at its finest. Wanting things to be different, passing judgement without knowing them, being curious past someone's boundaries. We all do it, we all try and use eachother for our own entertainment. Wasting eachother's life away. Because we don't want to look at what the lord is teaching us in our own lives. I guess that's why he had to die for us. We suck at covering for ourselves.
I smile as I watch an old woman give a dirty glance at Pamela's jeans and then, the dirty glance turns to disgust as she glances at Abelle. They say they want you to come as you are but they really want you to come as they want you to be. But god isn't like that. He's not someone who picks and chooses like that. The only thing that saves that old woman from condemnation is the blood of Christ which was poured out for all of us. So, she can think what she thinks and do what she wants. Because at the end of the day God loves her too.

And right now, we all came here for a little hope from the lord. And he doesn't have to have us in a perfect church to get that. He's all powerful. Even through the judgmental stares of an old woman in the second row of the church. Because he did die for everyone. No matter what they did. And the more I think about it the more another thing comes to mind. How am I going to forgive Steven and Jeremy for what they did? And why do I expect god to forgive me if i can't forgive them? As horrible as the things they did were, They're Still children God put on this earth. And the judgement that falls on their heads will come down from heaven but more than anything God's mercy and grace will come with it.
"I'm gonna send Steven a letter," joe whispers to me from his wheel chair.
"What are you going to say?"
"I don't know yet."
"Well when you do, I want to too,"
"Okay. But we can't talk about what happened. They don't let you talk about crimes."
"So you've been doing some research," I smile. he shrugs.
"I don't want him not getting it." I smile at him. Joe's a good guy. Sometimes he's cold, but he's a good man.

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