An unpaid debt

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It's strange how much more you can get away with, and how much more you want to get away with when you're trapped in someone else's plans for you. Jeremy and I have done target practice every day after class, it's pretty much a ritual now. He treats me much better than Joe ever has. He asks about me, and takes the time to be there when I need a friend. It's kind of sad we won't be alive much longer to grow as friends, but at the end of the day, I think those hateful teenagers sitting in their seats unaware of the world need to be taught a lesson. They're all so prideful and pretend they're so much better than us. Every time I have a doubt about it I just think of all the things they've done to me that they haven't had repercussions for. All the words. All the exclusion. All of the stupid things they thought no one else would make them pay for. Snide comments. Spiteful chuckles. Well, their day is coming, and it's coming in only a few more days.
Jeremy and I have been using a vpn to research what different shooters did. I can't help but feel a sense of camaraderie with them. They all were isolated, alone, and there were people that needed to pay for how they treated them. They did it out of a necessity for change. People always ask why shooters do what they do, if they have to ask chances are they haven't had to walk through someone like me's shoes. They didn't have to look at the world the way we did, they cared more about themselves and their jobs and their lives to pay any mind to the troubles that we faced. They left us to fend for ourselves, in a world built to beat us. And they did it with little weight on their conscience. They did it every day. They let things slide, every day. They brought condemnation on themselves for being the problem, instead of trying to be the solution. They left us, and didn't even feel guilty about what they said or did. Well now, they'll pay. They'll all pay for the mistakes they made because they weren't paying attention to what was going on around them. The best part is when we are both dead I'm sure they'll call us monsters. Say what we did was wrong, criticize the teachers and the parents, and leave them begging for someone to listen. But that's just it. No one listened. No one cared. That's why they have to pay. That's why there are shooters. We have to make the stupids runts that admin doesn't care about a lesson.

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