The disabled kid

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I'm sitting in the ambulance next to Joe, and Joe is passed out attached to an IV. In the corner of my eye I can see the school rushing by. The place where a piece of hell now lives.
"Did someone check on you?" The person administering the IV says.
"Yeah, but I need a stress blanket, they forgot to give me one," the man tosses me a red fuzzy blanket. "Thanks," I say with a smile. By the time I look up again the school is gone. The nightmare is over— for now.
All I can think about is how surprised I was. I feel stupid. If I had known Steven was struggling so much, I would have— I should have gone up to him too. If I was willing to do that for Joe. Maybe one of us could have spared him from making that decision. Maybe someone could have done something to help. And those poor kids. Those poor kids that died.
"You doing okay?" There's another aid in the ambulance who's a woman.
"No," I still look out of the window.
"I just watched a bunch of kids die." I finish.
The woman doesn't attempt to say anything after that.
At the hospital, Joe is rushed into intensive care. There's a ring on my phone.
"Maverick!" I pick up the unknown number. "Maverick, is this Maverick?" The voice sounds panicked.
"Yes, who is this,"
"Pamela," a wave of relief passes over me.
"Are you okay?" I ask.
"where's Joe?"
"Um... Joe's in intensive care, I'll drop you a pin, I'm here waiting if you want to join."
"drop it fast," I can hear in the background her fumbling with her keys. She sounds awful. I can't even begin to imagine what's going on in her mind.
I pull out my phone and drop the location, listening to her start up the car.
"Have you talked to your parents?" I ask,
"I'm sure once they know they'll come,"
"can you stay on the phone with me?" Her voice is pleading.
"Yeah, yeah I can," I think it's at this point I realize I'm crying. The pain in my heart. That kid. All I can think about is the disabled kid. I should have saved him. I should have saved him. Why do I get to live? It's not fair.

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