The library

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On my lunch break I decide to go to the library on the other side of the school grounds to grab some study books. Pamela had something else and couldn't come. Maverick is supposed to be doing an extra tutoring session during this period before my math test only a few hours away now. I use the old ricketty elevator to get up to the second floor at the end of the building, and step inside.

There's a lot of people in here today. Must all be studying. In one corner I even see Abelle and aliana hand in hand pawing over a textbook.
"They're cute, aren't they?" Maverick comes up behind me. I jump. I didn't even sense he was there. I laugh and we go to sit down. We're two problems in when the fire alarm goes off. We all look around confused. I didn't know we had a fire drill today. We all look around, slowly gathering our backpacks, slowly placing our stuff in our bags. I look down at my backpack. That's when I hear a pop.
"Fuck," Maverick pulls me down to the ground. I stumble because of my prosthetic and fall next to him.
Pop. Pop.
"Joe. I have some bad news," I don't like this feeling.
Pop. Pop. Pop.
What is that sound.
"Joe, I think Jeremy is shooting up our school. And I'm going to get on one of these computers and tell the police to track his phone and find him. Stay down," I hear feet rushing towards the doors, I can hear screams far in the distance. It's all growing louder. Like it's coming towards us. Oh God, don't let it come towards us. I don't know what to do. If we sit here, we're Waiting for him to come to each desk, and pop us off individually. If he's nearby and those people try and leave out of the doors, he'll kill them off as they exit. The only reasonable way out, is jumping through the window. I can't decide if it's better than being shot. I can't decide which way I want to die. I didn't think it was coming so soon. I thought we all had more time.

I thought I was only a teenager, I thought if I outlived death once I could do it again. How naive of me to think that I would be alive.

Oh God, God, don't let us die.

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