Under the dying warmth of their body

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I wait, my body underneath the dying warmth of aliana. I don't want to get up. I don't want to live without her. It all hurts. It stabs. Why would she do that? Why wouldn't she let us die together? Why would she leave me alive to face this pain alone?
Then I feel someone pull her away from me, my body stained in her blood. Don't take her away. She's still warm. Just let us stay here a little longer. Don't take her away.
A police officer checks her pulse, "dead." My heart falls into my stomach. My beautiful wonder  is gone.
I feel a hand reach to check my pulse. I crumble into a ball. I want them to leave. I want to be alone with my baby.
"This one's alive, hello? Hello are you shot anywhere? There's a lot of blood on you. We just want to make sure you're okay," they want to take me away from my love.
"Leave me, I want to die,"
"Can someone bring the paramedic," I'm still in a ball on the ground. My eyes find her, laying peacefully on the ground.

God loves you.

If God really did love me. Then why did he take my angel away?

There's a paramedic now next to me. I can tell. There's a cold stethoscope pointed at my heart. They're checking me for gun shots.
I wish I was shot. I wish I was shot. Why didn't he shoot me? Why couldn't he just have shot me?

God loves you. God loves you. God loves you.

It's stuck in my head. Her words. My sweet baby's words are stuck in my head. I press my hands over my ears, feeling myself shake. I close my eyes but her voice won't go away.

A paramedic is lifting me up in her hands.

"Nooooo!" I scream. "Don't leave her! Don't leave her! She's still here, don't leave her!"

I hear a soft voice.
"We got her, we're bringing her too."
The sobs that wrack my body leave my stomach wrenching. And I wretch and I wretch and I wretch. My baby. Steven took my baby.

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