The idiot in chem class

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The period I have before lunch is chemistry. I think half the reason I don't get the subject is because the teacher doesn't know what she's doing. Not only that but her thought process is scattered and hard to follow. It's like she's trying to make me fail. I rake a hand through my hair for the hundredth time today.
"Hey," a voice says next to me. I turn. Sitting in the chair next to me is the greasy haired kid from earlier. Great. I can tell by one glance he hasn't brushed his teeth. Hopefully his breath isn't as bad. The teacher taps a pencil on the desk.
"Boys and girls, make sure to walk into the class as quiet as possible. This is not your show. You're taking away from the real performers." I hear greasy head sigh pointing at the students who are sitting at their desks.
"I mean at some point they'll have to fire this teacher, right? System won't do anything when the teacher bullies the students. Even if they wanted to fire her the school system doesn't have enough teachers so they keep her, Big surprise there." Greasy head lets his eyes trail around the room towards a kid passing a white powder to another kid.
He smiles and looks at me.
"Nothing like a good old public school chem class, am I right?" My eyes are still on the kids passing drugs to eachother. Damn greasy head is annoying.
"I've heard they're starting to crack down on students. they'll actually do random drug tests. Has it been bad with the team?" He continues. I look at him closely. He's still looking at the nervous kids now jittery in their seats.
"What?" The words fall out of my mouth before I can stop them. my brows weave into eachother perplexedly.
"I thought you were on the football team," he looks at me curiously. I turn away. Stupid and annoying.
"What's up with that?" He's staring at me now.
"Joe and Maverick, to the office now. Tell them I told you to be quiet and you wouldn't listen," I look at Maverick. This idiot has now gotten us sent to the office. My father is going to kill me. But I mean, would it be worse than our relationship now? I shiver. Yes, yes it could.
Maverick stands up and grabs his textbook with a smile.
"See you tomorrow teach," grease head smiles. I clench my fists.
We're walking down the hall now.
"That was fun." He laughs.
"No it was not fun at all. I'm already practically failing the class and now he hates me. Congrats idiot." I spit at him. He deserves to get pummeled but I'm still in my wheelchair.
"I could help tutor you, I have 100 in that class." He shrugs. "Sorry it's hard for you to keep up."
"I'm not slow!" I snap. He's on my last nerve.
"That's not what I meant."
"Then what did you mean?"
"Listen," his voice gets lower. "Usually I don't make offers to help tutor people so just let me know by next Friday if you're interested," And for a second he's completely different. He's confident. He's level headed and calm. The difference is stark. My eyebrows crease again. He's annoying me more now. He's a know it all to boot.
"thanks," I mutter sarcastically.
"Shucks, I'm flattered," and with that we're standing at the entrance to the office.
The principal is looking at both of us coldly.
"Good afternoon," the principal states coldly.
"Good afternoon sir," Maverick States. I don't say anything. I've been in here plenty of times before. I figure I'm one of the only kids the principal knows by name.
"Joe and Maverick," the principal starts. I guess the principal knows his name too. I wonder what he's been pulling.
"Maverick I'm disappointed in seeing you here, you've never been sent from class to see me for disciplinary measures and much less with a trouble maker. What were you thinking?" The principal is angry and blustering. I clench my fists tighter.
"Joe shouldn't even be here. He was trying to pay attention to the teacher. You know the Chem teacher. I bet I'm not even the first one she's sent here today. I was trying to distract Joe to talk about my frustrations with said teacher and he was telling me he wanted to pay attention. If anyone deserves to be shamed here it's me not him," Maverick explodes. The principal looks to me.
"Is this true?" The principal asks.
"Yeah," i say coldly. Why did he have to go and do that?
"Then joe, for this once, I guess you're off the hook," the principal sighs. "Go back to class," he continues. I twist around to roll towards the door.

This is stupid. I shouldn't have to pay for this shit anyway. My hand presses the handicap button and then I wait. The door seems to be opening slower than usual. Behind me the principal is chewing out Maverick. I can hear it all the way down the hall. Dumb ass.

I roll back into the classroom and back in front of my desk. Grease ball not only almost got me in trouble— he just as simply got me out of it. I don't get it. He doesn't come in until halfway through the period. For some reason he's got a wide smile on his face.
Just as he sits down the bell rings. I wait for him to try and talk to me again but he doesn't. He pulls a pair of giant headphones out and puts them on over his ears. Why is this guy so weird? He just is going to take it? And offer to tutor me? He's insane. That's all there is to it. No rhyme or reason. Just insanity.

But still, no matter how hard I try, I can't get it off my mind. All throughout dinner. All throughout sitting frozen in front of my homework. It even keeps me up. Stupid grease ball.

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