Its a beautiful day

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I decide to walk to school today, it's a few miles but the walk isn't bad. The sky is pure blue today, there are some clouds but not nearly as much as during the weekend. And the birds outside chirp away happily. It's a beautiful day.

The air is crisp, and fills my lungs with flowery scents from all around.
"Good morning," Abelle is waiting for me at the gates to the school. I happily rush to meet her.
"Hello," I smile. "It's a beautiful day."
"Not as beautiful as you are."
"You're just being cheesy." I roll my eyes, but happily run up and jump into her arms. She's safe and loving. And kind. I nuzzle my nose into hers. It's a perfect day.

We grip hands together as we walk down the sidewalk to school. I see Joe off the the corner of the lawn along with two people he must be close to now. I smile. Although at the time I was heart broken, I couldn't be happier for him now. He looks so much happier than he used to. He looks so much freer.
I haven't seen him with Steven lately though, but he doesn't seem to mind. Although now thinking about it, that really is just how he is. If something works then it works, if it doesn't then it doesnt. I hope he's able to find someone he can love as much as I love Abelle. And then I stop. Feet planted into the ground.
I just said it in my head didn't I.
"Hey Abelle? Guess what?"
She looks at me.
"I figured out right now that I love you." She chuckles.
"I'm glad you figured that out. I love you too," I switch my hand's positioning so that my fingers can interlace with hers. She insists we stop at my class first so that she can drop me off. It makes me glad to have the company. To have someone to walk me to class. To take care of me. I lean up on my tip toes and give her a kiss.
"I hope class goes well for you baby girl," I smile.
"You too." She smiles back and heads off down the hallway. I take a deep breath before stepping into the classroom. Automatically my eyes lock on a group of boys positioned behind my seat. I clench my fists and then take a deep breath.

The lord goes with me. I am not alone.

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