God is good all the time

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My fingers are interlaced in Abelle's.
"Baby, I love you," we're under a table. We are so close to the window. We almost made it out, but it's not enough. I can sense the shooter coming nearer.
"Baby, Jesus loves you," I can't help it, it's all I have to say.
"Baby, he's going to take care of you," I keep saying it over and over and over again under my breath. She's behind me, I make sure I'm angled in front. The Lord's will be done.

The peace I feel in this moment is all I'm thinking about. If I die, I get to be with Jesus. If I live, I get to be with Jesus. He will not abandon me. Death, where is your sting? It is not here, for I am not alone even in death. I hear bodies falling all around me. I hear screams. I hear gun shots. I hear the glass And chairs and feel shrapnel. I close my eyes.

Lord give me peace, Lord give me Love. And Lord forgive them. For they know not what they are doing.
"Baby, baby, I love you," I'm whispering under my breath again. "Baby, God loves you. He loves you so much. The devil won't win. We'll have redemption. This isn't the end. If we die, I get to see you in heaven, baby, it's okay. Forgive him. Don't let yourself live angry, be happy, for me." And then I see it, I see the outline of a too familiar body walk by, I can see his legs from this angle but I already know who it is. I know those shoes.
Oh Lord, oh God, forgive him. Please. Please God, save his soul. Of all of the people, not him. Not him.
I can hear my heart in my ears, I can feel the tears rolling down my face. There's the smell of burning flesh, and dust, and metal. There's the sounds of screams and hell on earth. But God is good all the time. He's turning.  I see his shoes again, and then I see the barrel.
"I love you Abelle,"
It's the easiest decision I've ever made in my life. I simply sit, poised in front of her.
"Play dead," I whisper.
And then before she can do anything to stop me there's two pops and darkness falls over the world.

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