A service animal

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"Sit," my small service animal in training plops down on his haunches.
"Good boy," I toss him a treat. And then we begin the trek to class. It was hard having to explain to my parents that I need a service animal. I hadn't even thought about it until I looked up what they help with. I already knew I probably had ptsd and bad separation anxiety from living overseas and moving all the time. But after the shooting, everything got worse. It was like hell was caving in on my mind. The worst part was that no one could see it. Everyone thought that I was just being dramatic. Like I should be able to not live with something like a service animal. But if I've learned anything from going to church the past two months it's that nothing can separate me from God's love. No angel nor demon, nor judgmental statement made out of ignorance could ever separate me from what he calls me to. My service dog helps me get up in the morning. Helps me stay on schedule. Helps me stay on task and when I'm in a ball with my mind telling me I'm all alone I can pet him and pray. He's a tool I use to help me survive the way the other kids do. He provides me a service, and a support, and helps me serve the Lord to the best of my abilities.

Down the hall I see two familiar faces.
"Hey Mav!" Ever since Abelle started calling him that it stuck, although sometimes I like to call him freetime killer.
"Where's the episode you promised two nights ago? I'm dying here,"
"Shush," he looks around himself at the sea of students. Joe still in a wheelchair gives a laugh.
"Maverick, when are you going to do a face reveal, I mean come on man. You can't hide forever."joe laughs.
"I can and i will." Maverick says pointedly.
"Hide what?" Abelle comes up beside him.
"Nothing," he states severely.
"Sure," I say sarcastically, taking joe by the face and kissing him.
Abelle smiles at us and then looks at Maverick.
"You know, I can smell fear," Abelle states. Maverick glares at us.
"It's nothing! It's nothing." We both roll our eyes.
"Don't worry Abelle I'll show you after class," I say jovially.
"Oh no you don't!" Maverick protests.
"Too late. You've got a date Pam." I grin malevolently at Maverick.
"Come on mav. At some point someone else should know you have a six pack."

Maverick blushes redder that his shaggy head of hair.

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