Blue and green

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"You stupid bitch, why'd you let her in, huh?" My head is crashing against the wall Shoved there by the hand of Serena.
"Now that fucking weirdo is on the team. What do you have to say for yourself?" I'm in the girl's bathroom. I'm in a stall. And no one is here but Serena and her girls. I'm stuck. My scalp hurts where they are pulling chunks from it, but so is the side of my head they are colliding with the wall. I close my eyes and let the tears roll down my face. I'm alone.
No one can hear me. And no body will help me. Bang.
"What? Did you think that dude deserved a chance? What do you think now? Huh? I'm sure you fucking regret it!" Red is clouding my eyes.
"You tell her Serena."
"What a stupid whore."
"Hey, what's going on in here?" A loud deep voice echoes from the doorway of the bathroom. A teacher? A teacher found me?
Serena drops the knot of hair she's holding and lets me slump to the ground.
"Let's scram," Serena tells her cronies and they book it to the door.
"Oh, it's only you," there's a chuckle.
"I should have known," I can hear shuffling in the distance. My eyes are closed but when they open again, it's in horror. They are cornering Abelle into the bathroom too.
"What's the matter? Don't want to use your strength to beat us off. I mean you are a man. It should be easy for you." I'm crawling back to a sitting position. The tears are in my eyes.
Just then Abelle sees me and I watch her jaw clench.
"What did you do to her?"
"Showed her a lesson. Why do you care? She your girlfriend or something? I thought you were gay, I mean a few years ago..."
"Shut up!" My voice straggles out of my throat.
"You guys don't know shit about her!" I scream. My ears are ringing. My heart is throbbing.
"I thought I told you to shut up!" There's a kick into my ribs that sends a crackle of pain down my spine.
"Hey," I drag myself towards Abelle when I hear the crunch of fist on flesh. I look up to see Serena's fist pulling away from abelle's face. Abelle has a bruise now blooming on her cheek bone.
"Hey aliana, I'll deal with them, go get a teacher!" And in an instant abelle's hand is on her phone. She's tossing it to me. And by some miracle I catch it. I have to get away, she's counting on me.
There's a shadow of abelle's frame now stepping in front of me. She's guarding me. I can see the door.
"Go ahead and try," one of the other girls spits which lands inches from my hands. I stumble to my feet and then in one movement I throw water from the toilet at the side girls and while they both are trying to get the water off of them I spring for the door. Adrenaline is pumping through my veins. But I'm out. I'm in the hallway. I hear footsteps rampaging behind me. They'll kill me if they get me. I can see the end of the hall. The nurse is around the corner. The feet pound down the hallway behind me. I almost don't make it. I'm scared I won't make it. But I do. Because right now I'm at the door of the nurse's office with the nurse gaping at my mangled body.

It takes the nurse five minutes to have a team there to help. I frantically keep talking about Abelle fighting them off. I keep telling them they need to find her. To save her. I'd die for her, if that's what it takes. She's just that special to me. I don't know why.

Part of me knows it has to do with the way the world looks at her, but there's so much more there. She is fearless and strong. She is brave. I know they don't see it that way. I'm surrounded by people that wouldn't give people like Abelle a chance.

I hear it.

Her voice inside what she does. Just let me be myself, I can hear the thoughts loud and clear. Maybe I'm projecting myself onto her. Projecting what I want her to be because I can't look at myself. Because I can't deal with myself. I have to find a way to let this person go before they leave me like him. Before she leaves me with an irreplaceable hole in my heart. She's going to hurt to lose and I know I would beg her to stay. This relationship is expensive and it costs a lot. I already know how much she's going to hurt to lose. She's as expensive. Just as intriguing and enthralling as she will be when she uproots herself from my life.
This is it.
The precipice before something. I feel it. Today in the bathroom. I could see it in her eyes.

I understand you.

The eyes had said. The last time someone actually did understand me—

The last time I let myself have a best friend, have someone by my side. I fought so hard for Joe and I never thought he'd abandon me instead of walk through pain with me. He chose what he needed the most and that wasn't me. I was expendable.

Just like the rest of them.

And the world begins to feel so much smaller.

I barely got back up after the last person plunged a knife into my heart. So why do I even think about this stuff? I can't change whether a person stays or leaves so why does my heart bleed anyway? How do I lose someone and keep walking? How do I take it in my stride and let it go before I even have to. How do I guard my heart, because it's already been shattered wide open.

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