Our first kiss

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I'm on my way to the dressing room hand in hand with Abelle.
"Hey Aliana," Abelle stops outside of the gym.
"Yeah," I look up at her with a smile. She's so beautiful.
"Um, I have to go to the other building,"
"Why?" I look towards the gym doors.
"I wanna change in the Family Bathroom, it's safer there." I hadn't even thought of that. I look up at her defeated face. She looks as if I'm going to say something offensive.
"It's okay, give me a second, I'll go grab my clothes and join you. I hate that dressing room anyways, just give me a second." She smiles at me.
"Sure," I turn around, fling the gym doors open, and race off towards the dressing room. Upon entering I grab my stuff off of the shelf.
"Where are you going?" It's Serena. I feel my fists curl.
"To the bathroom,"
"Why? Don't we have practice right now."
"Yeah, I'll be right back,"
"But what about practice."
"I'll be right back."
There's a harsh laugh on her lips.
"You going to go make out with your boyfriend in the family bathroom again?" My fists clench tighter. I almost walked away, but not now.
"What's wrong Serena? Why would you say something like that?"
"I mean, why do you care that much where I'm going? Practice is in five minutes."
"I'm just concerned you're not being responsible as the cheer captain."
"I'm sorry you feel that way. But I doubt anything I say would change your mind."
"Then why are you the captain?"
"I don't know, go ask your team mates. I'll talk to you in a minute. Now I have to go," I leave the room, Serena is left standing in the middle of it.

If the Lord gave me that position, He will take care of me. If he gave me these lips. Let me use them for God.

"I'm here," I run out of the gym door and stop abruptly next to Abelle.
"Come on, let's go," she says, taking my hand. I don't move. Instead I look up into her beautiful eyes.
"Hey Abelle, wanna be my girlfriend?"
"Wha..." but before she can say another word I push myself up on my tip toes and plant a kiss on her lips. She leans into me, her hand on the back on my head pressing me into her. I can smell roses, and feel her beautiful hair lacing between my fingers. My pulse is electric, and then the small infinity we're in is pulled apart.
"Come on, let's go get changed," Her hand grips mine.
"Of course I'll be your girlfriend," it feels so right. This moment I never thought was coming. The moment I could love someone again. I can't even compare this to Joe and I. What Joe and I had was special. My special dying star. But this, this is a blazing sun, hot, and passionate, and burning. My soul is bursting. I didn't think I was allowed to be this happy. The sun up above us is blue, not a cloud in the sky. I can't even feel the passage of time. It's slow now, impossibly slow, and I feel every increment of her skin that is sliding against mine. She's beautiful. This day is perfect. And nothing on earth could ever steal this moment away.

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