He's up to something

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I'm keeping tabs on Jeremy. He's a lot smarter than what others think of him. He's shrewd and calculating. Today after school I tried to follow his car. I think he knew I was following him though because he kept taking side roads, and ended up at his house. But the direction he originally was going  was the opposite direction. That's how I know he knew. Not only that, I think he's caught on to the fact that
I'm paying attention to him at school. I don't want him to be suspicious, I know what it takes to keep a secret. I've been streaming for years now. Before that I did all sorts of stuff with technology. I'm sure I probably have a government agent sitting at a computer waiting for me to do something drastic. That's what my parents think... or that's what they say will happen if I keep filling my time with "violent video games". I can see that in Jeremy, that intelligence that spans beyond what people think. They all underestimate him because he makes them underestimate him. He takes the time to sink under the radar.
In class he hardly says anything, but he writes all of the notes. In the hall he carefully avoids and dodges people—which means that he bumped into Joe's shoulder as a warning. And most importantly, he's been walking around the school an odd amount, like he's surveying the place. I know if I say something now, he'll just change his plan. He'll make it more fail proof, and then he will make humanity pay even worse than what he already is planning. That is the most terrifying part. There are so many young and vulnerable people here. Most of them focused so much on what they're getting done they don't even notice the water boiling below them. For people like me who never fit in, I know how to manipulate. Because when the world doesn't want you because you're different, you learn to be what they want of you. Or, you intentionally be what they don't want to see. And I think, that is where Jeremy's gets his motivation.
I've been carefully seeing if there's anyone he's in contact with at school that might be involved too, but he never talks to anyone. I can't decide why. It's an odd case to be sure. An odd case with no real way to defend myself against it. And that is the most terrifying part. He covers his tracks so well.

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