• Episode 1 •

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Being brisky and harsh was the wind's mood tonight. There was a probability that rain might show up overhead. Her mother was in a deep slumber, downstairs. It was going to be three in the morning but none of them concerned her.

Faded ticking of clock could be heard. The lights in her gloomy room were dimmed according to her wish. Her room had a lavender scent aroma yet it clutched the dark aura. More light rays are radiated from her Apple MacBook Pro.

Flipping the pages of her project file, she placed her second cup of night coffee on her desk.
Finally, after re-checking for the second time, she closed it. Throwing back her head on the shoulder of the chair, she closed her eyes.

Few minutes passed as the silence continued to show it's dominance when the sky turned darker with tiny light balls floating over it, along with clouds hovering over them. She slowly opened her blue-green eyes and stared at the ceiling by carrying a blank yet tired expression on her face. As she focused on the silence, she found it more alluring.

Letting out a heavy sigh, she got up. Grabbing an over-sized hoodie from her closet, she went to the washroom to get changed. After being done, she flopped herself on the comfy bed and wrapped herself around the warm duvet. Eventually she allowed the sleep to take over her.

Let's get you some info. Here's Jung Y/n. She is living with her mother, Jung Soo-ah . Her mother is hella rich but divorced. She is the personal secretary of Kim Sung-ho.



My eyes fluttered open when I felt light on my face. Listlessly burying my face on the pillow beside, I peeked through it. The view showed the curtains of my window faintly moving because of the morning waves. Sunlight while making it's way, fell in my room, enlightening it. This signified that the dawn just broke. Letting out a sigh, I nuzzled onto the plushy.

"The day already feels so long..." I thought.


After freshening up, she dressed herself and grabbed her bag pack from the desk, then headed downstairs for breakfast. As she arrived in the kitchen, she saw her mother scrolling her phone while shoving a spoon full of salad in her mouth.

"Morning, Mom." she spoke in a cold voice just to hear a hum from her mother in return.

They had nothing to talk about. Y/n doesn't hate her mother but on the other hand, she doesn't even like her. She's glad that she brought her into this world, but their relationship isn't bubbly like a normal mother and daughter relationship.

As soon as she finished her meal, she thanked the maids with a small smile on her face. The maids too responded to her smile in a very similar way. Before going out of her house, she glanced at her mother for the last time. She didn't budge from her place. She sadly sighed and turned around to leave for her school.

As a kid, her life was so beautiful, she had friends and she wasn't cold. She had best friends then but now she doesn't care about anyone but only some who are special to her. Some decisions by her own family lead her world to turn upside down. 
But as days passed by, she knew how to handle things on her own.



I did't get much attention from her but slowly, I didn't have any more complaints. I let her do what she wants to. She at least told me that I can do whatever profession in my life that I want and that's good enough for my future.

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