• Episode 23 •

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I woke up when the sunlight fell on the bed, piercing the aerosphere of the room as well as the large window.

9:45 AM.

The clock hung on the gray wall showed.
Morning world.

I pushed myself out of the bed and took my clothes from the closet to fresh up.
Surprisingly they had everything in this closet that a girl needs.

After that I went to Y/n's room to wake her up. I wondered if she's a morning person or not. I knocked on the door and waited for her reply. When I didn't get any answer, I turned the knob and stepped in.

She was on her bed, asleep.

Even if she's cold outside, she sleeps like a baby hugging so much of pillows. I controlled my laugh when I saw the way she was sleeping.

One pillow under her head, two on both sides, one under leg and another one on the floor. Maybe she kicked it in her sleep. She was wrapped with the blanket too!
Like her middle portion of her body was.

I didn't miss the chance to click a pic of her and send it to her brothers.

Opening the curtains, I allowed the sunlight to get in.
I went near her and sat by her head. She had a cute pout and a frown on her face because light was falling on her eyes.

"Y/n... sweetie wake up~"


"Y/n... sweetie wake up..."

I heard a woman's voice who pulled me out of my deep sleep.
It was soft and felt filled with all the care that I craved for years...

Never in my past eight years, I heard anyone calling me to wake up LIKE THIS.

Whenever I didn't wake up, my alarm did it's work.

I rubbed my eyes and sat up, leaning on the headboard. Eventually I found Rae sitting beside me and smiling... since god knows.

I slept around four in the morning so it would be no surprise if I woke up late.

"Why are you smiling like an idiot?"

"You're cute" With that she pinched my cheeks.

"Ow, it hurts Rae!" I said while rubbing my cheeks.
She giggled. I rolled my eyes and got up from the bed.

"Morning to you too." She whispered.

I didn't care to return the greeting. Instead I went directly to the closest to grab my clothes for the day.
When I came back, I found Rae changing the sheets.

"Why are you changing the sheets?"

"It's stained. I'll get it washed. You go and change." With a smile she left my room.

And I stood rooted at my spot.

I remembered for the first time when I got my periods my mother was irritated when she saw the stained sheets in my room.

I thought Rae would do the same.

I gritted my teeth being all angry at myself. I should stop thinking of every woman as her...
Not everyone's the same as that woman.


I got dressed and went to the dining table just to find the food being served on the table.

"Perfect timing, Y/n."

I heard Rae saying while she came out of her room with her phone in her hand.
We both sat down and started having breakfast. We were eating in silence until she broke it.

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