• Episode 46 •

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Broad daylight speared through a gap in the clouds as they fell on the floor of the university building through the window. I walked to the library of the university to gather some books to complete my assignment because the upcoming period was a free period. •

"Noona!" Ni-ki came from the front.

"Here, take coffee." He said as he showed me two cups.

"Why two?" I asked while taking it from him hand.

"Jungwon hyung is also in the library. You're also going so just pass one to him and have one for yourself."

"Thank you so much, Ni-Ki!" I said as I took the coffee from his hand.

Didn't know he is also in the library. Library is one of my favorite places here. The silence and peace in the library calms me down. It's just a simple pleasure. Entering the library, my eyes were desperate to find that special person.

There he was, sitting near the window. The sunlight peering through the window was bathing him, I swear it felt so surreal. He is insanely handsome. His eyes are focused on the book and his brown hair lazily felt over his forehead.

He looks so innocent.

I placed both of the cups beside him.

"Shall we go somewhere?" He asked without looking at me.

"Asking me for a date?" I raised my eyebrow at him while sipping my drink.

"Yeah, sorta." His lips curved up a bit but he still his eyes won't leave the book.

"Hmm... where?"

"Wherever you want."
I thought for a while.

"Arcade and dinner night?" For the first time I thought of something good for hanging out.

"Done, be ready by 7 in the evening. I'll be picking you up." He said as he stood up, pecked my lips before going to his next class leaving me as a blushing mess.

One month till the day we- no, I came to know that he's my mate. We've been dating since my birthday. Time flew away so fast. When I asked why he didn't reveal the fact that we're soulmates to me but to my brothers, cousin, friends, sister-in-laws, my dad, BTS dad literally everyone, he said it was fun to see me like that until I recognized him. God, how much pain I was from fighting my feelings that idiot will never understand. I didn't let him know about this because if I do, he'll feel guilty and worry about me more than needed but then again he needs to know what he did. In this dilemma, I decided not to talk about that now.


It's currently 4 and I'm sitting in my closet, thinking for an hour what to wear. Now I understand when girls say "We have nothing to wear for a date."

Gosh, why is it so difficult!? I was thinking of wearing just a hoodie but I think I've been feeling a bit girly these days. At least on dates.

I picked up my phone and called someone.

After about 10 minutes, there wasn't a knock, instead three humans barged inside my room with a huge grin on their faces.

"Geez, I don't wanna look like a barbie doll, okay?" I said as I eyed each of them.

"Don't worry, Y/n." Clara said as she started searching for a good outfit.

"I think we should straighten your hair." Ava said as she started checking me out, thinking what could possibly look good on me.

"And totally light make-up. Your natural beauty is enough." Rae said as she started picking out some good brushes and shades.

Ladies and gentlemen, finally after two hours and half of torture I'm done.

Solid Blue Cardigan sweater with white skirt which came down till my mid-thigh and blue uggs which you can also say boots. My black hair was straight and it was longer than I thought it would be. As Rae said, she did a light makeup and I looked natural. For jewelry, they put a silver necklace with a small stone on my neck and tiny pearl earrings on my ears.

"You look so cute!!" The three squealed beside me.
I thanked them and saw that I just have five min left.

"Can any of you call any of my brothers and say that I'm out?" I asked as I started picking up my purse. I heard a "sure" from Ava and she right away picked her phone.

"Look, doesn't she look cute and beautiful?" Ava's voice made me look at her and when I did, I found her pointing the back camera of her phone at me. I heard a couple of "awws" from it. I twirled around with a smile as I showed them my outfit.

"You look really like an angel." Hobi said.

"Our angel."

"Enjoy your time, bun!!"

"Take care, sugar."

And like that a lot of compliments and advice came up.

"I'll be late. Bye." I said as I dragged myself out of my room.

"Be home by eleven." This was the last thing I heard from Jin before shutting the door behind me.

"I'm here."

A message popped up on my phone screen as I was walking towards the main door. The maids opened the door and my eyes met an extremely handsome man leaning on the car who had no idea of what he's doing to me. I smiled at him and tried to relax by taking a deep breath. He was wearing a blue sweater and white jeans and boots. Wait, how come we wore matching outfits?

"You look beautiful, love." He uttered as he pecked my lips. My cheeks turned crimson red. I wasn't yet adapted to being complimented a lot.

"You're not bad yourself and we're matching even."

"Of course, we would. After all, we're couples." He spoke and shot his dimple smile at me.

Oh, my poor hearteu!!


It wasn't our first date. We rarely get time for ourselves between the mess. After my birthday, I kept myself busy while searching for information about that woman named Jung Bong-Cha.

Her words from that night still replay in my mind.

"You've caused me enough trouble. How about ending you in milliseconds?"

I've been trying to join the dots. When did I ever meet her before to cause her trouble?

"You're late, Ms. Kim Y/n." I stopped on my tracks. Eleven thirty it was. I was half an hour late. Who else except the eldest of the brothers caught me now?

"Seokjin, dear brother." I smiled at him sheepishly.

"Shut up."

"Come on, it was her date night. Why are you nudging her for being half an hour late?" I don't know where Ava dropped from but am grateful for that.

"She shouldn't be outside this late!" He said as he glared at me.

"She was with Jungwon!"

"Still! Why are you taking her side?"

They started arguing for which I felt bad but also this was a chance to sneak out without getting noticed. So, I did what I did. This wasn't a big thing, I guess. Maybe for him.

I was almost upstairs, my boots in my hands. My eyes didn't leave them. They were cute. Without knowing I bumped into the wall.

"Ouch." I whispered.

"Muffin..." I froze. That's when I realized I bumped into him and not the wall.

What the phack! Why are my brothers everywhere in this house at this time?

"What happened?" He asked while suspiciously looking at me from top to bottom and then gazing at his watch.

"You're late-

"I know, I know. Forgive me, Joon."

"Jin was already taking my class, not you now!" I whined. He rolled his eyes at me.

"Go to your room. Get changed and sleep, you've university tomorrow." He said as I signed in relief and nodded.

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