• Episode 27 •

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Without a second thought, I started running towards the burning car. But before I could get any nearer, the guards started blocking my path. While struggling to get out from their grip, my eyes fell on a couple of guards surrounding someone and then I saw her.

Y/n. She sat on the ground, staring at the car which blasted off right in front of her eyes. I pulled myself from the spot and sprinted towards her.

She tried to get up using her hands but then she saw her left arm drenched with her blood.

"Y/N!!" I called her out. Within seconds her eyes meet mine before getting closed.


After texting Jimin, within minutes, I entered the house through the front gate. Taking my phone and other essentials with me, I came out of the car and handed over the keys to the guards.

Thereafter I started walking towards the front door.

The next second I don't know what happened but all I heard was a blast.

My eyes were blurry for minor seconds and when it cleared, the sight in front of me scared me till the core. The car which I left seconds back blasted off.

I didn't realize that I was surrounded by our guards in case someone would attack right after one attack. I tried to stand up on my spot and felt a sharp pain on my left arm, that's when I saw it was scratched by some sharp metal of the blasted car.

Blood was dripping down my arm. That part of the hoodie was soaked by my blood.

The last thing I saw was a panicked Jungkook running towards me before getting consumed by darkness.


It felt like eternity had passed.

"She'll be okay. The wound on her left arm will take a few months to heal or else nothing to be more worried about." Someone said, And I think that's a doctor.

"When will she wake up?" A voice that I couldn't guess.

I still felt sleepy, and I bet it's the doses the doctor gave. I tried to move but everything went in vain. Then, I tried to remember what happened because I can't do anything except that now, lol.

Ah, yes. My car blasted off just and minutes later I saw Jungkook running towards me.

That means my brothers are here, in Daegu already!?
I heard the sound of a door getting closed.

"Guys, go eat something. You've not eaten yesterday's dinner nor today's breakfast. Go, have something at least." It sounded like Rae.

"We're not hungry, Noona." Someone whispered. And that someone is near me.

I could hear Rae giving out a sign as if she has been convincing them since yesterday. They seriously are here and the incident happened yesterday night. Probably it's between breakfast and lunch time now.

And they didn't even touch their food.

"You don't know when she'll wake up. What will happen if you won't eat? She won't get up if you don't!" Rae was more than frustrated.

"She's right. Have some food." Hoseok's voice!

"How can we eat when she's still unconscious!?" V said, all irritated.

"Cam down, Taehyung! This isn't the way to talk to your elders." Seokjin said.
I wonder how they talk to other people in my absence, during their work.

I stirred in my place. I was lying down for long hours. It hurts to lay in the same place for hours, duh!

I tried to open my eyes this time and I did it!
The sunlight entered the room, directly felt on my lower body. I was going to sit up but,

"Ow..." Growling in pain, I fell back.
My stupid self was trying to get up using my left arm.


"Geez, stop shouting! My earbuds are gonna blast off!" It was irritating. What can I do?

I recognized that it was V, laying beside me on the bed and he shouted all of the sudden. Of course, it's irritating! What's with these people shouting all the time?

"How are you feeling?" Namjoon asked him to sit.

"Never better..." I murmured and then adjusted the light of the room.

I looked over the room and found everyone standing near the bed including Hoseok and Clara.

Why did they have to come? It wasn't that big of an incident, right?

Above everything, I found myself in my room in the penthouse.
My eyes fell on a bear beside me whose head was hung down because I scolded him.

"Uh... Sorry." I said as I rolled my eyes. We're not kids!

He looked up and grinned at me.

"So?" Suga asked.

"So?" I repeated.


"Yeah??" I repeated. What is he doing?

"Um... you alright?" Jimin asked.

"I'm breathing, right?" I raised an eyebrow at him.
Suddenly I felt someone twisting my right ear.

"Ahhh...What the heck Rae!? It hurts!"
Yeah, it was Rae who was pulling my ear.

"Is that the way you should talk to your brothers who were hella worried about since last night that they didn't sleep for a second or ate anything!?"

She said and that's when realization hit me like a truck.

It's not my fault also, like whenever I was injured in my younger days because of playing around sometimes or even when my bullies bullied me, I used to treat myself by taking the medicine kit from my room.

No one was there for me. I had to do it all by myself.
But the other part, the incident was not as big as this one now...

"That's right. Just the incident part." I heard Jungkook saying.

Did I speak my thoughts aloud yet again!?!
I must keep them under control. I'm behaving weird these days.

"Wait, you used to get bullied?!" V asked.

"Yes, when I was a newbie in my previous school." I said.
Don't want to remember about that but whatever I did after that, well, I'm proud of it.

"Leave it. I've brought some food. Eat it, you must be hungry." Seokjin said as he placed a tray full of nutritious food beside me. I nodded.

"Y'all need to join too." I said with a sheepish smile.
When they didn't move an inch, I knew they were angry.

"That's my order."
I said gazing at each of them.

"And why should we obey you?" Seokjin asked with an eyebrow raised at me.

"You call me princess, so you must obey my order."

All of them tried their best to not smile but failed within the next two seconds.
I secretly smiled.

* * * * * * *

I'm sorry for this short ep *sheepish smile*

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