• Episode 42 •

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3:27 AM.

In the dead of the night, here I am in my room isolating myself from all the shits going on in my life for just a couple of hours.

I'm glad Yoongi taught me so much in such a short amount of time. And me practicing over from time to time is just helping myself just so much.

I've two plans for tonight.
Plan A- Hack the security system of the cameras installed in the Gimhae Street, Daegu as well as of the building beside Seoulism Café.
Plan B- Send all the information to Xavier. Ask him to extract the infos of the men therein.

First, I'm going to manipulate the code so it would be undetected and untraceable by their security system. They're not going to find out, maybe because why would one hack their security system just to check the CCTV footage when one can go there and see it themselves.
But I have to hack because I can't go there.

I did what I had to do.

At Gimhae street, as I predicted there were people following me. Even if my car was a bit far away from this cam, I could see three people just walking around my car for some minutes and then did their job of installing the extremely explosive thing in my car.

I skipped the rest. There was no trace. I couldn't figure out whose people they were. I could barely figure out their identity in this footage. However, I am not a fool to just check this footage.

There's a small tailor shop near the exit of the street. The way these guys went, is the only way that shop is located.

Daegu is technologically advanced and you can't argue over that fact. Even starting from small grocery shops to the highest earning companies, everywhere people have installed highly advanced digital cameras, CCD or CMOS because they keep the records of happenings around them in case any situation arises and they need proofs to prove themselves right.
This is a benefit for every Mafia gang too.

Now, if I hack that small tailor shop's security system, there's no offense. He/She would never know. I did and did I ever. I found the car number. Noting it down, I moved to my next part of Plan A.

Specifically, I'm not going to hack Seoulism Café's security system but the building beside it. It's a small fashion designer's shop where not many people arrive.

I again started my hacking process and it was a success. From the time I went inside to the café, I started searching for the footage. When I got that, I knew I had to get the perfect analysis of who shot and from where.

After giving a whole hour of my damn life, I found the one I was searching for. The man was dressed in black from head to toe. As soon as he entered the building just next to this fashion designer shop, he went straight to the 5th floor window and not the terrace.

He indeed did a wise job. Firing from the rooftop can be spotted within minutes but from a window of a building which is more like an apartment won't be traced at a single glimpse.

"Xavier, you there?" I called him immediately as I got all the infos.

"Yeah, I'm. Be grateful that we have different time zones or else I don't like being awake like you till early in the morning."

"Fine. I've sent you the infos I've collected. Give it to your trusted men-

"Xylia is doing it."

"Better. Don't tell her to share and give me the details in my mail. For now, I'm going to sleep."

"Night, lil one."

"Thanks, big brother!" I smiled and ended the call.

I don't want my brothers to be involved in this case. I want to figure it out on my own. The less people know the better it would be. Once, I gather up infos and get all the evidence, then I'll share.

Time flew so fast that it's gonna be 6 in the morning as my clock showed on the wall.
The sun was making it's ascent in the sky and I drifted off to sleep.



Laying on my back, I checked the pictures I clicked with my camera, Canon EOS 5D Mark IV, Nikon D850. One thing I love to do in my spare time is capture the beauty of nature. So, here I am in the garden of the mansion, spending my time in a beautiful way.

The world has an astonishing variety of materials and a bewildering diversity of life and behavior. Knowing a lil bit about them amazes me. I had planned that when I would get a stable job, I would do photography as a part-time job. Not for money but for the interest I have in it.

You can say I'm literally Namjooning right now, lol.




I swear to god, if Vminkook wouldn't have been my brothers, I would've beaten the shit out of them.

"Why are your brothers like this?" I heard Clara's voice as I found her, Rae and Ava walking towards me.

"They just have a death wish." I said as I sat on my spot.

"They're yelling inside the house and I don't think Yoongi is going to leave them." Ava spoke.

"Honestly, I saw him panicking when he came out of the room hearing Y/n is missing but then when he realized the situation, it was too late for the maknaes to run." Rae said as she took a seat beside me, under the shade of the big tree.

I had a good time with them afterwards. I never had sisters in my life except Xylia. We used to spend time but not much. I must say she was a damn overprotective sister. She, Beomgyu and Xavier used to give me whatever I wished for and not too, making me a spoiled brat.

Ava, Clara and Rae mixed up beautifully in a short span. Me being an introvert took time to open up to them. I shared some of my hard times with them and also the good ones I had with my brothers. They were more than happy when they came to know that my brothers were my ex-best friends who used to make my day. And I finally met them.

I hope good days will come for them. They deserve no hate. Just so pure souls. Despite having these people, I want my other sister-in-laws to be badass. I bet the maknae's soulmates would be fire.


"Y/n... you asleep?" A voice asked from the other side of the door.
I glanced at the time on my laptop screen in front of me, it was 11:45 PM.

I opened the door to find Joonie looking at me.

"What happened?"

"You free?" What type of question is that?


"You need something?" I asked, looking at him with curiosity in my eyes.

"N-No. Nothing, I was just... em... you-

"Leave it. I'll do it." Yoongles popped out of nowhere and started dragging me. I stumbled on my feet as this was sudden.

"Yah, planning to murder me or what?" I looked back at Joon but then someone covered my eyes with a cloth I suppose.

"The hell-

"Shh little bear, just for some minutes." It was Tae's voice.

"Y'all going nuts or what? Why are you acting so weird?" I asked just to hear the three's chuckle and no reply. As per the way they were leading, I predicted we were going to the rooftop.

The rest of the way, we were silent. They can't be serious right? Like who comes in the almost middle of the night and drags their sister to the rooftop while blindfolding her for no-

"AHH!" I let out a loud squeak as I found myself rotating 180 degrees at one place they left me, standing.


Whoever the person is came to my back and unfastened the knot of the cloth and without a pause, I heard people screaming.


* * * * * * *

I'll try to give updates twice a week.
Do comment in every episodes please. I want to know how you think the story is like.

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