• Episode 18 •

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"Yes, dad. Nothing happened to us." I said through the call as I glanced at others who were a bit far from me. I stood in front of the big glass windows on the 9th floor of the hospital. The sun has begun it's descent for the evening, leaving trails of pink, purples and blues.

The scenery is beautiful but the situation is dreadful.

"Can you tell me what exactly happened?" He asked me.

"I, myself, don't know dad. Me and Jimin were buying some accessories but all of sudden Hoseok called and asked us to meet near the girl's washroom on the third floor of the mall. As we reached there, Suga was already there. And Namjoon was just coming towards us. When I asked Hoseok what happened, he said that he found his mate bruised somewhere nearby and another girl accompanied her after that. He asked me to go inside and check. When I did, I found her in the worst condition. Someone had beaten her way too badly that she was bleeding a lot. And now we're in hospital with others trying to calm an impatient Hoseok."

There was a pause. Then he spoke.

"Tell Jin to call me when everything settles." He said.

"Hmm, how are you and mom?" I asked.
Won't it be rude to just leave the call without asking if they're well or not?

"Oh, we're good Y/n-ah!" He said.

It is believed that having a girl in your home is like having a goddess in your home. A girl child when born brings a lot of happiness with her. Baby girls are said to be dad's princess and mom's best friend. I don't think mom's best friend will ever work so why not have a good bond with dad even if he's step-dad?

After all, I'm a normal human who wishes to live a happy life despite all the problems in life.

It is said that a baby girl is like a giggle wrapped in sunshine and glitter, she would always brighten your day. Well, I'm not like that but I wish they would accept me the way I am.

"We'll talk later. Till then take care, dear." He spoke again and I just hummed before disconnecting the call.

The maknae line along with Jin went to buy some food from the cafeteria while Namjoon and Hoseok are sitting in front of the room where that girl is.

Her name is Clara. And both Clara and Rae are cousins as Rae said to us when we reached here.

Rae said she had to make a call, to inform someone about Clara's condition. And who is that someone I don't know.

Suga is lost somewhere in his world. He seemed quite off since yesterday. I guess nobody noticed except me. He is cold, I understand but purely shutting down like this makes me feel that something is off.


"Yoongles! See what chim is doing in the garden!!" A cute voice called out.

"Sugar, why are you taking me? I'm sleepy now."
She was dragging me down the hallway near them but stopped when I said that. She turned around with a cute pout on her face.

"You're always sleepy! Hmph!"
She stomped on her feet while glaring at me. Cutely. Then Tae came and stood near her.

"Bear, you know he's our grumpy grandpa and that's why he's always sleepy."
She tried to control her laugh while I was glaring at him in anger.

She burst out of laughter as she saw me chasing Taehyung.

We stopped running as we saw a beautiful sight in front of us. Her dimples showed up as she laughed her heart out. A smile crept on our faces. Taehyung and I went near her and started tickling her.

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