• Episode 11 •

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Finally!!! This one is open! I got inside while slowly closing the door, not trying to make any noise. This definitely belongs to Hoseok. It feels so warm and looks so cool. And there are so many soft toys here! This room is bright just like his personality. The interior was simple and modern. Light brown wooden floor, elegant black coaches and off-white walls with black trimmings. There were a lot of small objects hung on the wall too.

I sat on the chair while adjusting the microphone and DAW (DAW, an electronic device or application software used for recording, editing and producing audio files.)

Here I go~~~

A sad smile over my lips, I recalled the days of childhood.


"Aish! What a tiring day."

Taehyung said while laying down on the couch along with others. It's 9pm, currently. We got loads of work in the name of one but now we are done. At last!

"I'm going to my studio hyung. Call me when the dinner's ready." Jungkook shouted, halfway.

"Yeah, after that we'll have a word with Y/n. "
Everyone nodded at my statement.

While we were busy on our phones, lying lazily on the couch, JK dropped out of nowhere and whispered with a bunny smile on his face.


"What happened Jungkook-ah? Why are you whispering??" Jin hyung asked.

"Come with me to Hobi hyung's studio."

"Huh? My studio? Wae?"

He didn't say anything and dragged us to my studio. When we reached there, he opened the door slightly and told us to peek through it. We looked at him in confusion but still did what he asked us to do.

She can sing too??

"This version fits Romeo and Juliet's story so much better than the real one." Namjoon commented.

"This gives me "Tragic love story that didn't end well." vibes and I love it." Yoongi hyung spoke, all impressed.

"She's singing perfectly." Jin hyung seemed to be going with the flow.

"Her vocals are awesome." Jimin said.

"I wonder if she can rap too." Taehyung asked peeking more and more.
Then she saved the recording while we were still whispering. I guess she felt like someone was there. Before she could turn around, I closed the door without making any kind of noise.

"She'll figure out that we are here. So, keep your mouth shut if you want to hear her voice more."
I smacked everyone's head, lightly. After sometime nothing happened, instead she played another song. This was "Princesses don't cry."

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