• Episode 19 •

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"I'm going to get the six of us a cup of coffee." Jimin said as he went to bring some and we all found a seat of six in the cafeteria.

After a while, he came back and offered each one. After taking a sip, we all sat in silence.

"Lee Cha-Young is her real name." Rae started as she looked at us.

"Her mother, aka my aunty died when she was eight years old and I was just seven. We don't belong to that rich family nor that poor. When we were young, days were so good. She used to come over to our place and I sometimes used to go to her house. Our mothers were sisters." She said as she pushed her phone in front of us, showing both of their mothers.

They had beautiful features. Both looked pretty young. When I looked at it more carefully, I found two girls of almost the same age playing at the back. I assume, both of them are Clara and Rae.

"Everything was going good until Clara's dad, Uncle Beethoven found out that aunty is suffering from cancer. She died sooner than we thought after we came to know about her illness."

She pulled her phone back and started drinking her coffee again.

"Days went by and Uncle Beethoven couldn't believe that his wife was no longer alive. He started to distance himself from everyone. He literally forgot about his own daughter. The people who cared about Cha-Young unnie were me and my family. We used to visit her often until Uncle Beethoven decided to get shifted somewhere else without our knowledge and that's how we lost contact."

She let out a sad sigh and continued.

"I was young for which I couldn't understand anything much that happened between Uncle Beethoven and dad. But nothing seemed to have gone right after that. Clara and I never met again. And after almost ten years we met in a park near her house, the one both of them shifted years back."

Slowly her expression started to get hard. If looks could kill anyone, then she would've killed almost a lot of people already.

"Her condition was not good. She was all pale and weak, and seemed like she had lost her cheerful young self. And I could figure out that it was none other than Uncle Beethoven. It's almost one year, I was trying to keep her away from her dad but he always caught her and me together. He kept her locked inside her room. And never let out except school days. We meet like that always. Some days she won't come to school and that would make me worried but the next she would show up, faking that she's all good."

"No matter what I do, I can't keep her away from him. I knew he would treat her no good but never thought he would hurt her physically." Her jaw clenched as she said everything.

"Yesterday, I went to her neighborhood and asked about her. They said she never showed her face often but cared about everyone. Finally, I went to her house and saw Uncle Beethoven lying on the floor, all drunk. He started to come near me when he saw me. He must have thought I was Clara. As he came near, I used a heavy nearby object to knock him out because I found him grabbing a broken beer bottle near him. He must have picked that up to hurt Clara."

"What did you find in her house?" Jungkook asked.

"Everything was devastated. It was in no good condition to be called a house. Bear bottles lying on the floor and blood stains were all over the house. Clara's room had no room heater and barely 5 pairs of clothes. The condition of the house was miserable. After all these, I'm sure that it's Uncle Beethoven who is responsible for the condition Clara is in today."

She completed spilling all the facts and we sat there in silence. It would hurt a lot to get hurt by your own parents.

Life isn't rosy for everyone.
It's well said.

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