• Episode 6 •

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"Are you hungry? Do you want to eat anything?" The alien said out of nowhere which caught the three of us off guard.

"Umm...No. I'm fine. If you want then you go for it." As expected from her.
Taehyung nodded and then asked me.

"Where should we go, Jimin-ah? Ain't going home without food."
He said as I rolled my eyes and shook my head in disbelief.

"You're always in search of food, Tae!"

"Aish! Leave it, let's go... Starbucks! Yes!" Another eating machine said.

"Y/n? Are you okay with it?" I asked her.

"Yeah, as long as y'all are."
I nodded and drove off to Starbucks.



We found an empty seat for 4 and sat there.

"So, Tae?" Jimin hyung started asking what we all want.
He's the eldest here, so he's gonna pay. Hehe.

"Egg White & Chicken in Multigrain Croissant and Caffe Americano."

"Okay, Jungkook?"

"Basil Tomato & Mozzarella Cheese Sandwich with Hazelnut Latte."


"Coffee Hazelnut Crunch Cake and Coca cappuccino."

"And mine, Chicken Cheese Toast with Caramel Cloud Macchiato. Okay, I'll go and order it."

He went away leaving the three of us behind. Now it's awkward. V hyung asked Y/n.

"What are your hobbies?"

"Not so interesting but I love to read books like fictional, non-fictional, about history, space, technology and all. I love to just take myself out when I feel like. I like to play games. What about both of you?"

"Well, I love to paint and write short poems. Mostly me, Jungkook and Jimin are mad for games and sports. We spend time with each other while we work out or else in school's leisure time."
She nodded and I said.

"I love to play games more. Like we are having gaming rooms in mansion."

"Sorry to interrupt but what are you talking about?" Jimin Hyung asked.

"It's about what our hobbies are and what we love to do."
He made an "Oh" sign and asked to continue.

"I guess, Y/n will go well with Namjoon hyung. They both love to study." V hyung analyzed.

"Hmm. Okay. I'm an average student when it comes to studies or else about other things, I'm well aware by reading books related to trending topics." She responded with an obvious tone.

"We all don't love to study that much. We're involved in other things like sports and others." I gave a thumbs up to Jimin hyung's statement. But then he said,

"And about Jungkook, he isn't a human."

We looked at him with confusion written all over our face.

"Eh? What?" Y/n asked, not able to register what he said.

"He's beyond the human category. Painting, Dancing, Singing, Rapping, excellent in every sport and a lot more. Tell me what he can't do?"

"Wow. That's awesome! Honestly, all the 7 of you are talented. You should acknowledge your own efforts too. That helps in motivating yourself." She said and she dug in her food.

"How did you know about all of us?" I asked, as she never talked to us then how?

"Remember, I've been the President for three years and it's been three years since then, I'm watching you whenever you come to our school. Your school is the one who almost wins all of the competition."

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