• Episode 29 •

1.9K 87 9



From- Seoul International School

Hi Y/n,
The results of the final examination of your last year of high school has been declared. The report card has been attached in this mail only. Please go through it thoroughly. And collect your Certificate of Completion of High School and Certificate of Attendance from the school office or reception itself.


The results were there just down this notice and I was scared to open.
Okay, deep breaths Y/n.

3,2,1... and go!

Approximate Percentile- 92.87%
Final Percentile- 93%


My jaw dropped on the ground. 93%, god!

I never expected to bring this much marks. Like it's insane for me who scores barely above 90. Like my scores were above 80% but never crossed 90%. I'm not bad at studies, okay?

Just handling the President's work and studying was a bit difficult. In my last year of high school, what people say is that it is difficult to score over 90, even above 80 is good to some point.

I rushed out of the room and entered Rae's room without knocking.
I found Clara on her phone, talking to someone.

"Hi there Clara." I waved at her with a smile. She just returned the smile with a nod and continued talking. At the same time, Rae came out of the washroom with a towel wrapped around her.

"Rae, where is Namjoon?"

"I talked to him a while ago. He said he was on the third floor with others dealing with some work. You need anything?"

"Yeah, wanna thank him for making me study for a couple of months before the final exam."

"He tutored you?" She asked in confusion.

"Sort of. He tutored me and Jungkook. We had study sessions together before exams. My results are out and I got 93%."

"Congrats!" She exclaimed.

"Thanks, I need to thank both of them too. Gotta see you later, bye!" With that I headed to the elevator to go to the third floor.

I stepped out of the elevator as soon as it reached the third floor.

I forgot. I don't have the map of this house and I don't know the people here either. I cursed under my breath because my stupid self forgot to bring her phone with her. And I'm too lazy to travel to the 20th floor now.

I turned to my left and started walking through the corridor. I've to start from somewhere, right?

There were not many people. I assume that's because it's 9 pm currently and people are off from work.

I tried making any office or reception or anything like that my target but I could find none. Seemed like this floor was filled with a lot of meeting rooms.

"Why are we here instead of going back to Seoul?"

"Didn't we explain to him on call? Why do we need to meet now, he isn't here anyways."

"We're here to meet hyungs. He said to talk to them."

I heard some distant talk from the back. I turned back to see 7 men approaching me. they were indeed well built but you know what, one of them looks so familiar.

When the group passed me, I had a closer look on him and I had to do the stupidest thing ever right then.

"HEY! You're the one that I saw that night in Gimhae Street in the house...!" I literally shouted in the corridor.

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