• Episode 15 •

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It was just like another day in the mansion. Eight of them were on balcony on the sofa, busy with their own work. Jungkook was laying his head on the pillow which was placed on Y/n lap and his leg on Jimin's lap while scrolling through insta in his phone.

V was leaning his back on Y/n's back, writing poems while being in his world.
Y/n got nothing but a book to read which is named "The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You're Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are." by Brené Brown from their library.

Documents from the company kept Seokjin busy because he just has completed his college and is going to help his dad in business from now.

Suga was as usual in his dreamland.

RM and Hoseok are on their I-pads, discussing a new song's lyrics.

While Jimin plugged his earphones, listening to music.

Then Jungkook said, grabbing everyone's attention.

"Should we go shopping today? We have our University starting from April, we need some accessories, I guess also some free time outside."

"Not a bad idea." Y/n said while closing her book.

"Okay but are we all going to shift to Seoul National University? I heard Dad shortly mentioning it." Jimin asked, unplugging the earphones.

"Yes, Dad decided to enroll only Jungkook and Y/n in that university but thereafter changed his decision and said that we all will go there except Jin hyung as he'll be helping dad handle the business from now on." Namjoon said.

"Ah, I got it! Yahhh, Seokjin, don't overwork too much." Y/n said as throughout the whole conversation Seokjin didn't speak even a bit because his eyes were stuck to his laptop. He didn't budge even a bit.

Not a strand of his hair moved.

"Are you even listening?"

"Y/n, don't disturb him or else he'll turn into a volcano when he'll be angry." V warned her.
As Y/n is Y/n, she didn't listen to V.

"KiM SeOkJiN~"

"YAH!!" She said as stood up and grabbed a pillow from Suga as he was wide awake after he heard Y/n calling out for Seokjin.

And she did it. Threw the pillow at him.
Ya'll know, the pillow kissed his WorldWide Handsome faceu.

He averted his eyes from the laptop to the pillow. Rage was completely seen in his eyes. Y/n could sense what was coming. She quickly planned a trap. "Poor Jungkook" She thought before saying.

"Jungkook did it!!"

She said as she pointed her figure at the standing Jungkook near her who was happily drinking his banana milk which he brought from the fridge a while ago.

Poor maknae's eyes widened as he heard that.

Without a second thought the fake maknae started chasing the real maknae to teach him a lesson.

She heard from Namjoon once, they all can be childish too sometimes. This was it, she guessed.

Both of them started running throughout the whole house. While the other six were laughing their ass off.

"I've to do something for Jungkook or else he'll not talk to me."
She said while V and Jimin said in unison between their laughs.

"You've to!"
After they calmed down, a question got in Y/n's mind, so she decided to ask.

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