• Episode 3 •

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It's 7 in the evening. Me and the boys are chilling in the living room.

"Y'all listen." suddenly Jin hyung grabbed our attention.

"Go get ready. We're going to attend a party which is hosted by Mr. Kang with Dad Along with...
He paused for a second but I cut him off by asking, rather saying.

"His secretary...?"

Now, everyone's eyes were on me. Then they looked at Jin hyung for confirmation and he nodded in agreement with my statement.

"How did you know, hyung?" Taehyung asked.

"Do you remember a week ago, we were on a mission and found Dad's behavior a bit different?"

"Oh, Yes. Did you find something?" asked Hoseok, looking me straight in the eyes.

I sighed before saying, "He is .. maybe... in love with his secretary...?"


Our (except Yoongi) eyes went wide as a plate when we heard that from Yoongi's mouth.

"WHAT!?!?!?" The maknaes couldn't hold their shock.

"How's that possible?" I asked, not believing a percent of what he told.

"I thought he preferred to be single." Jin hyung commented.

"I don't know how all these happened. She's been working as his personal secretary for almost 6 years." Yoongi hyung elaborated.

"Aish! Never a woman worked for more than a year for his strict and cold nature. And she has been working for 6 years. Too long tho!" I said, analzing the past activities of his secretaries.

"What if they'll think of getting married?" Jimin asked.

"Then... We'll let that happen...?"

"Yes, because she would be his responsibility not ours." Hoseok replied to Jungkook's question.

But then, Yoongi hyung interrupted Hobi "Well... there's something you all should know..."

And what's it?

He gave out a deep sigh before saying, "She has a daughter. Park Y/n. A high school senior."

A deep silence was welcomed when he said this.

"Not everything happens according to our wishes..." Jimin murmured and went out of the room followed by everyone.


They all came downstairs with black suits in which there's white t-shirt of Louis Vuitton and black necktie with black pants and shoes of Dior worn by them along with Rolex watches and as always, they look heavenly handsome. They got in their Limo and asked the driver to get them to Conrad Seoul.


8:01 PM.


Here I'm. In front of Conrad Seoul. The place is awesome. I never thought I would be here by any chance. Okay. So, I should check which floor to go to.


13th floor. Grand Hall room.

I went inside and dang, it's stunning. The interior design is breathetaking. Conrad Seoul defines a new world of luxury, sophistication and service in Korea. Strategically located, Conrad Seoul occupies one of the four towers of the renowned International Finance Centre (IFC) in Yeouido Business District. Conveniently attached to Seoul's subway system and an upmarket International lifestyle Mall with 9 CGV Theaters, Conrad Seoul is the closest luxury hotel to both International Airports.

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