• Epilogue •

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"Ain't this the biggest bookstore?" I asked as I scanned the exterior of Coex Mall Starfield Library. I remember Joonie comes here often.

"Yes and we're gonna have a Book Scavenger Hunt." My boyfriend nodded to himself beside me.

"A book what...?" I gazed at him confused. I love books better than him but what's this?

"Let's get in, I'll explain."
He held my wrist and dragged me through the doors of the building.

"Okay so we spend two hours scanning the shelves for specific items like our favorite childhood books and the strangest book covers we've ever seen. We will split up and find an author with our same last name in different sections. I'll find with your surname and you'll try to find with mine." He explained.

"Damn. That's an amazing idea, Wonie!" I exclaimed.

"I know right." He showed his famous smile that can melt hearts.

We spent the rest of the day eating snacks, reading and taking pictures of each other. Oh I swear this has been one of the best dates till date.

"I gotta go, baby." I said as I stood up. It was exactly 7 in the evening.

"Where?" He asked with a pout.
I peaked his lips with a smile.

"I've to show something to my brothers."

"Should I drop you home?" He asked as he started packing his items.

"No, my brothers are there at the entrance now." I answered as I saw the message sent in our CrAcKhEaDs group.
I shot him an apologetic smile.

"Come here." I did as he said.

He pulled me closer by wrapping his arms around me. I threw my arms around his neck, looking up to his chocolate brown eyes. I remember the night I got lost in them for a while not knowing these were going to be my forever in this lifetime.

Bumping our noses, he landed his lips on mine. With one last long kiss, I parted away and bid him a bye.

"Took you a long time." As soon as I got inside the car, I was greeted by Tae's words.

"Patience, my child. You'll know when you'll get your soulmate." I dramatically showed my palm giving him my blessings. While the others burst into laughter, he glared at me.

With a little more of our bickerings, we arrived in front of my old home. I jumped out of the car and gazed at it all along as my brothers took their time coming out to place themselves beside me.

We walked past the garden. It's almost time for Winter to come to an end. The garden had Camelias mostly bloomed. A pretty bunch of red.
Hobi knocked on the front door. The door smoothly opened with Mrs. Han's curious gaze. But once it landed on me, she let a brilliant smile go over her face.

I bowed a lil and she let us all in.

"How are you doing?" I asked with a smile stretching my lips.

She hugged me tight murmuring she is great. She let me in as she started a conversation. The familiar scent washed a sense of calm. The interior never failed to make me feel all welcomed again.

As she helped my brothers get comfortable in the living room, I recalled the memories in this house. They weren't that great. Leader's responsibility in school, study, eat, sleep, repeat. It was like a never-ending cycle. I was tired but I had to keep going anyway. I couldn't rest knowing it would only lead to overthinking if I took time off. So when tired and helpless, I used to yell "whatever, let's do it!" and continue working hard.

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