• Episode 50 •

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Tricking can be dangerous as well as easy depending on the person you're aiming to make your prey. In our case, it was an idiot we tricked.

Contracts and agreements are important for conducting business for all sizes of companies. Every contract must include a specific offer and acceptance of that specific offer. Both parties must consent to their free will. Neither party can be coerced or forced to sign the contract, and both parties must agree to the same terms-which is what happened in our case without any usage of illegal works.

But what we did in addition to this was quite clever. One should make sure to read all the documents thoroughly before signing them and sealing the deal. We didn't exclude any of the documents needed for the deal. Instead we added another one which claims that Mr. Sim was going to pay half the currency paid to him in this agreement to the orphanage because his heart grew soft after hearing how our company is going to invest in orphans. He signed that last paper on which this was written.

It wasn't our fault. It was his.

People would be even happy to hear this, wouldn't they? Such a charitable person he is!

"Sweetie, time to go. Your brothers are waiting!" Rae's voice reached my ears as she opened my door softly and stared at me who was wearing her converse.

Another day of college.

Boring but interesting with the trio of brothers and my mate by my side.

"Yes mom." I teased her as I blew a kiss and ran downstairs to the garage.


"You good?" Jungwon asked as I placed my head on his shoulder.

I just hummed in response and closed my eyes. He smells literally the same the first time I met him, in the bar.

"How do you manage to smell so good?" I mumbled as I pressed myself more on him. He gently wrapped his hands around my shoulder.

Now this is helping me come back from the traumatic message I read minutes ago.


The classrooms buzzed with chit chats of students. My converse didn't make noise as any heels would've done on the corridor floor. Arriving near my locker, I started to apply my password so that I could carry my books for the last period.

Yes, our university has upgraded from physical keys to Password Locker on our respective lockers.

As soon as I opened it wide, something popped up making me stubble back with terror. It was just like a pop out surprise box. Instead of an emoji on it, there was the famous joker's mask.

"Oho, you're here Ms. Kim Y/n~" A female voice from inside spoke.

It was a recording being played.

"Soooooooo Good to seeeeee youuuuu."

"How are your mother and step-father?" I cringed at the high pitch voice. With a blink of an eye, I smashed the locker shut.

"Ms. Kim?" I flinched at the voice. It wasn't coming from the thing inside my locker.

"Are you alright, Ms. Kim?" My head snapped towards my right to find Mrs. Joo, our business studies professor.

"Y-yes. Definitely. No need to worry." I shuttered and straightened up.

"I heard someone speaking-

"Oh, it's nothing, professor. My brothers pulled a prank, that's all!"

She looked at me, unsure. With more words, I shoved her off telling not to be worried about this at all. She walked away as I could still hear the faint rumbles coming from the classrooms. No other soul was there let alone me.

MAFIA STEPBROTHERS || BTS FF ft. TXT and ENHYPEN Where stories live. Discover now