• Episode 20 •

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We were listening to Clara's words as she spoke about what happened three days ago.

Basically, she was half beaten by her father when she decided to run away, FINALLY after so many years. Couldn't she think of doing that when he first started abusing her? What was she waiting for?

Geez, why do people care so much towards the one who hurt them so much?

Namjoon sensed something was wrong with me.

"You okay?" He asked while his eyes were on me and others were in their world.
I nodded. There's no point of saying this to anyone.

Of course, people would come up judging me, saying that I'm a heartless person who is thinking like this. People tend to get wrapped around these emotional things which leads them to be unrealistic.

They don't think straight and give way too much for the one who has hurt you. Like dude, if someone is torturing you, you should run away or inform to police or ask for help instead of bearing the pain just because HE/SHE IS YOUR FAMILY.

Seriously? In my opinion, one should get away from the people who hurt him/her, it doesn't matter if it's your family even. Toxic people are toxic. When you know you can run away, then why the fuck were you there from the first?

Exceptions are there too. Like in my case. Mom doesn't harass me. More like she doesn't care whatever happens to me. Even if I would've been harassed by her, I would've packed my bags and gone far away from her with the help of Beomgyu.

No matter what, he's always there for me.

A knock on the door pulled me out of my thoughts.

There stood a panting Mrs. Kang with reports in her hand. I frowned as I saw her in a panic state.

"What happened?" Suga asked.

"We urgently need AB- blood. There's very less blood in the hospital because this is the rarest type of blood and last time it got used properly for which there's not much this time. And now if we wait for any other hospital or blood banks, it'll be too late. Anyone have that blood? Any of you?" she asked.

(P.N– I just plucked some information from google and I'm not sure if this is right. Just remember this is fiction and not truth.)

Her voice was so pleading.

"I'll turn nineteen in a couple of months. I think I can donate." I said as I looked over my brothers and then to her.

She registered my words for a second and then murmured, "I need to talk to your parents..." while walking away.

I sat there in silence. Everyone was looking at me, making me uncomfortable.

"What?" I asked as I raised an eyebrow.

"You've AB- blood type?" Hoseok asked.


"Very rare type..." Namjoon whispered to himself.

It is.

"Please lay down." I did as the nurse said.

They checked my temperature, pulse, blood-pressure and haemoglobin level. They cleansed an area on my arm and inserted a brand new sterile needle for the blood draw. I hissed under my breath once they inserted the needle.

It's my first time donating blood.

And after a couple of like eight-ten minutes I was done.

"Don't you feel dizzy?" Jungkook asked.
I shaked my head indicating a no.

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