• Episode 22 •

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2:30 AM.


"Stop working.
You've been working since how many hours god knows."

I texted and waited for him to reply. After probably 10 minutes he replied.

"Y/n, it's late. Why're you awake?"


"I think I asked something first, Mr. Kim."

I waited again for him to reply.

"I've to, princess. I've to give my best so that the outcome will be the best."

"Okay, I agree you've to work. But that doesn't count in taking away your rest hours.
You're a human too. Why always go for the best?
You need rest, Seokjin. Do how much you can.
You got a life to live and not to work 24/7.
There's no such saying that everything you do should be the best."

Am I wrong?

"It's for the company, princess. If it would've been for something that

I was to own totally, I would've worked according to myself but is that the case? No, right."

"But no matter what you should take care of yourself.
You just completed your studies.
And working so much right after it doesn't sound healthy."

One shouldn't work this much. It affects a lot of things in life.

"I understand. But I think I'm capable of doing it. I can do it.

Being a CEO isn't easy but what's life without any difficulties? You say."

Did he just out-smarted me?

"Okay. But you're going to be the CEO?"

I'm not ignoring it but something that caught my attention is he is going to be the next CEO this early.

"Yes, in a few months probably when Dad finds me ready for it.

Actually we 8 are going to be the CEO as we're heirs of the Kim Family.As y'all are studying for now I'll just handle it along with dad."

That's new info..


"Yoongi is going to be the second CEO after he completes his studies,

then Namjoon and Hoseok, and then it will continue untilit reaches to the last heir i.e You."

But how?

"How can there be 8 CEOs? The maximum number of CEOs in a company can be 2 only.
One the CEO himself/herself and the other one Co-CEO."

"This is something applicable for the biggest companies in the world. Like ours.

It would be the first time in the business industry thatthere will be 8 CEOs of a single company.Our company would be divided into smaller parts.Each part would've to be assigned to each of us."

"That means there would be different sectors of the company handled by each of the members...?"


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