• Episode 52 •

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"How can I be so irresponsible?!" Jungwon banged his hand on the table as he paced here and there in nervousness.

"It wasn't your fault, Jungwon." Hobi comforted him.

It wasn't his fault but ours. We should've been aware that we're not like normal peoples and our enemies follow us everywhere. It was our duty to protect our sister even if she's capable of fighting. She's our responsibility. We failed to keep her safe.

After Y/n went missing with her phone left in the washroom of university, we all were seated in the living room discussing where possibly she could go because the CCTV footage was erased already.

Jungkook arrived shortly.

"You said she felt suffocated." Namjoon asked.

"Yes, the room was filled with students—"
I cut him off with my question, quite loud.

"Where is Jimin and Taehyung?"

"I've called them a couple of times, they're not responding." Jin hyung shouted as he closed his office door behind him.

"Don't tell me they're kidnapped too" I secretly hoped they were not.

"Perhaps, they're..." Namjoon barely mumbled as he looked somewhere, thinking deeply.

Without having a second thought, I grabbed my laptop and started scrambling through it, trying to trace them. It was loading.


Continuously over and over it was showing the same. Where in the world are they and their phones?

Not only our only sister but two of our brothers are nowhere to be seen.

"Darn it!" I was seconds away from slamming the laptop on the floor.

"Listen up! I've sent our men as well as some specialized ones to search around."
Jin hyung said as he pulled his phone down.

"I'm calling my team members." Jungwon said as he walked away towards the garden.

"Has anyone informed Beomgyu?" Hobi queried

"No, shit! I'm calling him." Namjoon cursed under his breath as he dialed her cousin's number.

Now how did everything go upside down so quickly?


"Hold her!" She ordered the two guards and they obeyed like any dog would.

One of them gripping my arm tight forcefully dragged me off the grimy bed. Stumbling, I tried to get steady on my feet. Honestly saying, I barely have energy to fight them off. I regret not eating food for almost two days. The events of previous days had put my appetite in trash. I still had coffee most of the time. But the lack of a proper meal made me dizzy, I had to lose my appetite then only.

One of the men clutched my wrist so hard that it brought my attention back to the Bong-cha or say Professor Umbridge, pinky queen.

"I'm offering you a deal." She stated.

"I don't accept deals from old hags." I snarled.

As soon as she rolled her eyes at me, I got kicked in my stomach which made me drop to my knees.

"Either you kill your step-father or be held hostage forever."

"And what makes you think I'll listen to you."

There came another kick on the side of my stomach along with a slap across my right cheek, a harsh push on my left shoulder.

That hurts bitch.

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