• Episode 54 •

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"You're saying me my brothers and my sister-in-law were both there in that fucking building and you just took me out from there??" Y/n who was getting treated for her injuries By Rae and Clare and a nurse in her room spoke, not so calmly to the girl who said her name is Skylar.

"I did what could possibly be done. More of you were in danger than them." She replied, curtly.

We did realize Taehyung and Jimin were missing. Later when Ava too didn't pick up her call and her location was untraceable we concluded she was also kidnapped. Great.

"But she had held them captive too. if you could have said me, we could have taken them-

"THAT WASN'T POSSIBLE!" Skylar lost it.

"We could've!"

"Let me tell you, I'm the one who makes plan and I fucking know how securely they're kept under her other guard's guidance. If I'm her left hand, she has a right hand too."

"Then how come you took Y/n out?" I questioned her with arms crossed.

"I could do that with the help of my brother. He made sure that through the CCTV footage, everyone could see Y/n sitting in that room and guards guiding outside."

"He hacked clearly. This is normal." Yoongi hyung said.

After out of nowhere Y/n came with this girl in her car. She helped her escape from there but the reason is still unknown. Sure, we are grateful to her more than anything but why would she betray her boss? It's not like Y/n would've offered her money or would've normally asked for help. No one would help her that way.

"Your reasons for helping us are still unknown." Hobi said, as he spoke my mind.

"I've good reasons. If I choose to help you, you would keep me safe the least."

"But doesn't that depend on us?" I started as I took small steps towards her.

"We could possibly keep you under us until we are fully aware that you're not a threat. Who knows if helping her escape might be one of her plans?"

"Y/N!" The door gaped wide with a breathless Jungkook standing.

Everyone's head jerked up to him. He took large steps and engulfed Y/n in a tight hug.
Unable to suppress his patience, he went on searching for her whole night wherever he could. He hugged her while murmuring how happy he is to see her again, alive.

He turned towards us, eyeing us until it landed on Skylar. I could see his body visibly stiffened.

"How are we going to help them?" Y/n asked, gaining our attention.

"Now that we know where they're, isn't it easy to get them?" Jin hyung stated.

Ringing of the phone filled our ears. Skylar hurried to talk her phone out.

"Hello?" She moved away towards the balcony of the room.

"They'll be brought safely, I believe in our men but what are we gonna do about that woman?"
Y/n was more than furious.

"She claims to be Jin, your and Tae's biological mother!!"

"Our what?" Jin hyung and I said in unison.

"We need to check this with Dad. Call him!" Jungkook suggested.

Yoongi hyung dialed immediately to which he picked up the same.

"Where's Y/n? Is she safe?" He started off.

"She's fine Dad but there's an urgent need for something." Hobi interrupted.

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