• Episode 10 •

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The event ended successfully and as usual BTS only won most of the awards. We also got a month of preparation holiday for finals.

FINALLY! I'm done with high school. Time for a bit of relaxation and then again a busy life being in college. Same as BTS.

As every school, we do have prom but I'm not interested in it. Again, are Beomgyu, TXT and the girls going to leave me? I don't think so.

"Miss, your cousin brother and some girls and boys came to meet you. Should I allow them?"
I looked at the guard who came out of nowhere telling me this.

"Yeah, sure. Take them to the living room on the third floor. I'm coming."
He bowed and went away. Okay, now I was talking about the devils, here they come.
I got up from the swing and went to the living room where all of them were there. As soon as I entered, I was engulfed by a hug from the girls.

"It's been a week and we already missed you, Y/n-ah~"
It was Jennice, I chuckled and replied.

"Me too. We had a great time together."

"Yeah, best memories!" Yoona giggled.

"Kai and I've another year and then we will be done too." Taehyun said.

"Vice-President-nim, now handle everything!" I said with a mischievous smirk.

"What what what??? Did we just saw Y/n laughing and smiling???"
Yeonjun said as they looked at each other in disbelief. While I rolled my eyes.

"It isn't like I don't have emotions."

"No, it's like we've seen it very rarely..."
Tiffany whispered but enough for me to hear.

"So, you're coming to prom, right?" Soobin looked at me along with others with curiosity in their eyes.

"Uh, guys I- "

"Don't you dare say no." Beomgyu was already shooting glares at me.
I gave him a sheepish smile.

"Don't worry, Y/n is coming."
No, please...

"Let's have a "Cheers to our five years of friendship!" What do y'all say??"

Where the heck did he bring this topic from?
Suddenly everyone agreed to Soobin's words.

"The prom is tomorrow in school. At ten in the night, we'll take our leave and head to the club." Beomgyu said.

"Which club?" Yeonjun asked.

"Club Octagon." Tiffany grinned.

"Club Octagon? Good choice." I said. 

It is ranked in the top 12 clubs in the world. Octagon is a hotspot for celebrities and some of the world's most exclusive DJs alike with 60 VIP tables along with 10 VIP rooms and a total capacity of up to 3,000 people inside. There is even a small swimming pool inside for a change of scenery.

"Okay, we're going there! Final!"

After a couple of minutes we bid each other goodbye and I went to my room. Laying down on bed, I closed my eyes.

I've to ask my brothers too. A big task.
I sat straight and went to Seokjin's room which is in front of mine.

I knocked on the door twice and heard "Come in." in return. When I entered, I found everyone sitting and were carrying a serious expression but when they saw me, they relaxed.

What? Why do they always carry such a serious expression when I'm not around? Er, nevermind.

I said as I flopped on the bed beside Jimin.

MAFIA STEPBROTHERS || BTS FF ft. TXT and ENHYPEN Where stories live. Discover now