• Episode 16 •

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February's morning temperature in Seoul normally gets down to -3.4°C. But today, it's even more. -5°C. Such a bitter cold morning! I really don't want to leave my bed.

As I just woke up now, not fully but I still had my eyes closed because I felt warmth against my body. Someone's back-hugging me and someone's hugging me from front. Both of them are hugging me like a koala and the duvet is wrapped around our body. Both are guys because both of them have a beautiful scent. Um...like a mixture of peppermint with a bit of lavender and another I can't really point out... it's a strange, alienated scent. Maybe it's like Gucci.

I don't know who it is, but never mind, I really love the warmth, so I snuggled more and more in their arms. I could hear a couple of "Aww..."s but I could care less. They too came closer and hugged me better than before and then another hand started caressing my hair. I'm in no mood to leave this warmth in this cold frosty morning.

I let out a soft murmur, "It feels so good."

"Of course, it does!" I heard.

"Get up you sleepy heads!"
I growled in annoyance as I could recognize whose voice was that.

"Seokjin let me sleep...."
I said in my morning deep and husky voice.

"No, Y/n. You need to get up. Jimin and V both of you too. Come on."
Hoseok said as the warmth started to fade away. Ah! Jimin and V were hugging me. Eh? From morning? Where did they drop from?

I opened my eyes, got up and leaned on the headboard. Jimin and V placed their heads on both sides of my shoulder.

"Why were you two hugging me?"

"We wanted to sleep peacefully but Jin hyung dragged us out of our bed saying to get up." V started.

"We knew that he couldn't drag you like us, so we came here." Jimin finished.

I let out a laugh when I heard this and saw Seokjin rubbing his temples in trusfruation. The hyung line along with Jungkook sat on my bed facing me.

"Okay, shall we call it a morning now?" Namjoon asked in a soft voice.


"Well morning for you, afternoon for us. It's currently 12:30 PM." He said.

"We literally slept at 3:30 in the morning." V let out a yawn.

"Even if it was 3:30, still sleeping till 12:30 is too long for me." I said as I took my phone in my hand.

"Okay, listen Y/n. We're going to New York for a couple of days. So, you'll be staying in our penthouse in Daegu. Understood?" Suga said out of the blue.

New York? They'll be going to NY and leaving me in their penthouse in Daegu? They even have a penthouse in Daegu?

"Sorry?" I blurted out.

"Yeah, I'm telling. We've got some problems in dad's business to work out on. So, we'll be flying to NY tomorrow, at 11 PM sharp." Jimin explained.

"And before that we'll go to our penthouse today." Seokjin said.

"Why there?" I asked while rubbing my eyes.

"It's safer over there. And you'll also feel comfortable." Jungkook said with a bunny smile.

"There's a mini library over there and beautiful scenery. We know you'll enjoy it there." V snuggled more inside the blanket.

I wonder how they've known me this well in just a couple of months.

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