Dark Beginnings

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( Young Indra )

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( Young Indra )

Indra pov

I remember that day clearly , afterall who forgets the day their family is murdered by someone they loved , someone they trusted ? I recalled the last conversation that night , it was between my mother and father , Itachi and Sasuke werent home . " he needs his rest!" My mother argued , father sighed " He will be exceptional , he just needs a push . He will be greater then Madara himself !" Mother huffed " he is only a child , he may have exceptional talent but his body cant handle all this training at once " with an awkward silence father gave in " fine , I will let him sleep but tomorrow we train , he just unlocked his sharingan , we cant just suddenly stop "

After that last sentence , slumber took me hostage and I enjoyed the relaxation but a shriek outside shook me from my sleep , I looked around in panic , I must have slept no more than 3 hours as it was dark outside just after dinner time maybe . Climbing out of bed I peered the bedroom door open looking out into the hallway , it was quiet way to quiet . Cautiously I pushed the family room door open , inside sat Mom and Dad looking very serious , Itachi standing behind them " Mother ? Father ? Itachi ? Whats ...whats going on?" Itachi gazed up , cheeks wet with tears " you're supposed to be asleep..." confused I stepped closer . Itachi shared a glance with mother as though they spoke in silence , Itachi pounced towards me , shock took over but I still managed to dodge his first strik , his second strike I blocked with a kunai . He swiftly kicked the kunai out my hands then dropped his sword my way , In a flash , warmth surrounded me as a warm liquid spilled onto my face . My eyes widened when I realised both Mother and father jumped between us yet Itachi cut them both down , father dropped first then mothers body collapsed onto me pulling me down with her . I struggled underneath her weight , both mother and fathers blood went cold on my face . I used my sleeve to wipe it off in a slight panic , Itachi loomed over me with a sorrowful expression . Then I heard Sasuke's voice call from the front door " mother ? Father ? " Itachi suddenly vanished . I didnt care if I was the younger brother , I had to save Sasuke ! Pulling myself out from underneath my parents bodies , I grabbed the family sword and rushed to the front door but thats when my world spinned , I was to late to realise it was genjutsu , Itachi threw me into genjutsu! I dropped the sword as my body collapsed . In the genjutsu I watched and rewatched and relived the clans annillation , my fathers sad expression as Itachi's blade met his throat . Mothers pained expression when the sword cut through her back , I only realised that Itachi's blade cut my collar bone near my shoulder . The adrenaline surpressed the pain that I only noticed it in the genjutsu .

I woke in the hospital bed , my eye sight blurry I try to rub them as much as I could to clear my sight . Thats when I saw Sasuke sitting across the room , his expression dark and lifeless " Big brother ?" I called . Sasuke's head snapped towards me and he rushed at me embracing me tightly . He didnt say a word , he didnt have to . I was there , I knew . Our clan is gone , mother and father are dead . Itachi vanished , he was the cause , he did this , but he didnt kill us ....Why Itachi ?!

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