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Reminder again : some scenes like this battle - will not be the same as the anime or manga .


We finally found Deidera's location , our Intel had informed us that Deidera had something against Orochimaru and wanted to kill him himself , therefore he would have a grudge against Orochimaru's killer and attack him in the open .

Hebi split up , Suigetsu headed one way , Juugo the other and Karin went to the closest town . Sasuke and I went directly to Deidera's location , imagine our surprise to find another Akatski that we didn't even know existed.  He wore a orange mask that had a twisted design to it , it could be interpreted as a cookie even which made me laugh slightly "pfft..."

Sasuke paid my reaction no attention,  he had to remind himself one thing Indra may be a prodigy but he is still only 15 . Deidera looked to his teammate " Tobi stay back , Sasuke's mine !"  Sasuke looked at me , he didn't need to say a word it was obvious,  he wanted to challenge Deidera alone . I stayed back as Sasuke advanced unsheathing his sword .

And so the two got to fighting , I glanced over at cookie mask thats right , that's what I'll be calling him from now on .He seemed to be watching me from his side , that goofy voice he used to talk to Deidera disappeared when he suddenly walked up to me " Indra ?" . Hiding my surprise behind a calm expression I asked " who wants to know ?" . He chuckled darkly " you aren't like your brother are you ?"

I studied him curiously with my eyes , who is this man and why is he so curious about me ? " depends on what you mean " the man chuckled " revenge driven , blind to other opportunities " the way this man talks he trying to convince me to turn sides ? " I can tell you are stronger , much stronger . Why not join our cause ?" He asked . Bingo , he was trying to convince me otherwise ." I don't join organisations such as yours " I answered , he chuckled again before returning to his side .

A short time afterwards the battle intensified,  Sasuke and Deidera fell down and Sasuke used his chidori on himself , his body was clearly exhausted.  Deidera smirked and announced he had the best explosion to come , a large mouth on his chest smirked as Deidera's body started to crackle . Sasuke's eyes widend "Indra !"

" I know " I answered without panic . I bit into my thumb and circled around myself with my own blood . I closed my eyes then focused my chakra that it became visible and circled around me within the blood circle . My left hand I held a Tiger hand sign and my right hand , The dragon sign . I opened my eyes as my MS activated   . I heard cookie face say with interest " oho ~~?" but I ignored him . Sasuke jumped into the circle which I allowed , he then sat behind me . In a white blurr the explosion went off


My chakra immediately absorbed all the heat from the explosion nullifying it when it reached us , fueling my chakra more and more . To put it simply , my chakra ate the explosion that came towards us . After the blinding light disappeared and the explosion was over , Sasuke sat still behind me breathing heavily . " Is he ?" I looked around the field " yeah....dead "

I turned to look at my beaten up brother and smirked " last time you looked this bad was when we spared "  Sasuke glared at me don't mention that ! Is probably what he was saying .

We noticed the rest of Hebi run towards us , " we saw the explosion,  what happened ?" I sighed and crossed my arms " That Deidera blew himself up , he'd rather die then reveal Intel on Akatski "

Karin frowned " makes you wonder , what is Akatski hiding ?"

Sasuke clicked his tongue " coward , I do not care about Akatski,  I only wanted Itachi !"

"Tell him that ....oh right ..." I said sarcastically.  Juugo looked at the beaten up Sasuke " we should rest " Karin agreed " there's a Inn in the town nearby " I looked at my thumb uninterested " fine let's go so princess Sasuke can rest "

Sasuke glared at me again , Suigetsu tried to hold in his laugh but he let out a "pfft!!" Which immediately caught Sasuke's attention earning Suigetsu a glare as well .

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