Reaching the tower

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I quickly collected myself , I returned to my teammates but they seemed shaken especially Akamaru , frowning I asked " what happened , Akamaru is a mess " then Kiba explained what they saw , they hid in the bushes as that red head Gaara and his team fought a group , that Gaara was so dark and evil that his chakra practically leaked with miasma and it scared the crap out of Akamaru . I know the feeling ...recalling Orochimaru  I visibly shivered .

I looked at my teammates who eyed my curiously " trust me , you don't want to know ...Let's just head to the tower " I groaned . Surprisingly we arrived to the tower sooner than expected , The sand ninja were also there making Akamaru quiver in Kiba's jacket . Gaara glanced our way meeting me eyes , his eyes held curiosity probably noticing my clan symbol on the back of my jacket and realising that I was part of the same clan as Sasuke . After watching me , he continued walking with his teammates , Kiba hissed " those sand Ninja..."

After waiting for the rest of the days to pass , all the remaining  genin arrived , Sasuke and his team were a mess . I curiously eyed him recalling Orochimaru's words I gave him a gift and he will seek me out  . What kind of gift did Orochimaru give , what did he do to my brother?  I noticed all the rookies were here along with Neji's team , Gaara's team , Kabuto's team and the yellow knives . Lord Hokage was explaining why genin exams exist but another Jonin interrupted saying something like " there are to many participants left , a preliminary battle is to be held right away.  Anyone who can't proceed should quit now " Sakura then mentioned for Sasuke to quit , We were standing close enough for me to ease drop on their conversation  been like this since he tangled with Orochimaru ? Curse mark....THAT BASTARD PUT A CURSE MARK ON SASUKE ?!  Frowning and clenching my fist tightly I tried my best to keep calm ,  dont let your anger show mainly because my anger activates my MS and I can't control it yet . Surprisingly Kabuto raised his hand along with San and Jyn . Wait so only Lan is staying back ?  Why though , his teammates seem unscathed .

The preliminary rounds started and surprise surprise the first match was Sasuke , I overheard Kakashi tell Sasuke to avoid his sharingan and that the curse mark feeds off chakra  .Sasuke can't touch any of his jutsu that requires Chakra , he isn't going to have it easy . And I was right , watching Sasuke struggle was really embarrassing ,  I knew the reasons but still . Knowing his skills and then seeing that fight , it was...awkward to say the least . Once he was done , Kakashi appeared and told him that they needed to seal the mark . Sasuke pleaded" please let me just watch Indra's match " Kakashi frowned " but you don't know when his match will be " Sasuke looked desperate " please..." Kakashi groaned " Fine , we will stand on those stairs until his match is over " Sasuke sighed with relief .

The screen flashed through multiple names before landing on the two names Indra Uchida vs Zaku .Zaku , who's Zaku ?  My eyes searched the crowd until I saw him , two broken arms and a glare , that glare said something different, it said this is personal.  Let me guess Sasuke messed him up now he thinks he can avenge his arms by defeating me ?  I scanned him some more , sound village meaning his attacks will be based off sound and he will depend on sound so I'll need to remove any chance of exposing myself with sound , also I need him to depend on his hearing alone . If I can figure out his abilities I can maybe render him blind by his own attacks . I shrugged and crouched removing my shoes that will definitely make a sound ,  I mean have you heard these things on a pavement ? I don't get how they are ninja shoes when they make such a noise . Of course my shoe removal made most of the spectators eye me curiously,  of course not everyone can think on their feet like I can . I felt the familiar reptilian eyes watch me , so Orochimaru's here too ?  No I can't let him distract me . Time to regain the respect Uchiha are entitled to  !

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