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Indra pov

After sending Sasuke off , I returned to the village . As I walked down one of the main roads , I happen to spot Tenten . A smile graced my face "tenten !" Tenten noticed me and jogged over , as she got closer her smile twisted into a frown . Both her hands grasped my face as she eyed me " you're hurt !"

I then realized what she meant , the cut on my face . I gently took her hands off my face with a light laugh " its fine , it already healed " Tenten eyed the cut and pouted " but now it's a scar don't have a perfect face anymore " I playfully gasped " that's why you're dating me , my good looks ?"

Tenten blushed " what ?! No ! They ...are just a bonus " she stepped back and smiled softly. Her smile was so warm and welcoming that it made me crave that smile after a hard day , but then the mood suddenly ended when a random dude ran up behind Tenten "Tenten -senpai !" Tenten turned to him " Oh,  Daisuke.  Need something ?"

The man was blonde , with green eyes . Probably Sasukes age . Not bad in the looks department either , his face flushed red when Tenten addressed him . " ah sorry senpai , I didn't mean to intrude " . Tenten being the polite woman she is , smiled " don't worry about it . This is Indra , Indra this is Daisuke,  a new jonin "

Daisuke eyed me and crossed his arms with a unimpressed expression " Indra huh ? Never heard of you " 

oh~ho~oh , this guy has a big attitude for those small feet of his . Crossing my arms behind my head  in a casual manner I replied " Oh? I was just about to say the same thing about you . I honestly never heard or seen you before , even when I traveled to the other nations "

Daisuke's lip twitched with annoyance " senpai , lord Sixth wanted to speak with you , that's why I came here " Tenten sighed visibly annoyed " alright . Let's go then " Tenten looked to me and gave me a quick peck on the lips " see you tonight "

Tenten turned to leave , Daisuke gave me death glare before following Tenten .  I sighed and crossed my arms , Kiba randomly showed up " ooh trouble in paradise ~"

I looked at him " what ?"  Kiba nudged his head in Tentend direction " that guy is interested in Tenten , are you jealous?" I frowned " no , why would I be jealous?"  Kiba shrugged " someone else is after your girl , I would be concerned "

I shook my head " that's where you are wrong.  I trust Tenten and I know we are good relationship wise . I just don't like Daisuke or how he tails her like a stray dog "

Kiba smirked " maybe he just needs to be reminded that the master he is chasing,  already has a wolf " I raised my eyebrow "wolf ?" Kiba laughed " if I said dog , you would have kicked me " I smirked " probably " . I glanced in the direction of the hokage office , hoping that Tenten wouldn't let her kindness stop her from setting boundaries with this Daisuke

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