Danzo's personal guard - Black Fox

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Another crash could be heard up above the Anbu headquarters and it made me anxious , I fought against all my instincts that were telling me to go help the village . How shameful of Danzo to  abondon the village when it needed their elite soldiers the most . Danzo stepped up to me and revealed a white fox mask , eye holes in a cat eye curve with the Anbu symbol on the centre of the forehead , I looked at him " this is my mask ?"

" yes , every member of the Anbu have abandoned their born identities and took a given soldier name and mask . From today you are no longer Indra Uchiha , you are my personal guard , Black Fox of the Anbu "

I took the mask and gazed at it , I will do this , just for a short while . Indra Uchiha is not done .

I nodded at Danzo and put the mask on , Danzo turned and walked towards a table with a map , it marked all sorts of infiltration sites that the Anbu entered . Danzo rested his hands on the table " once Pain is done having his ramage above , the Hokage should be out of commission.  I will recommend to the elders to ' temporarily ' take the Hokage position  and attend the five kage summit . I will win over the kage and will be suggested to be the Hokage full time . Thus I will start to rebuild the hidden leaf "

" what of the current Hokage ?" I asked . Danzo shrugged " she will be seen as incapable of protecting the village and will be denounced " I looked at the map again then I will play the good little soldier , I will see how this goes .

((I am going to time skip to the end of the Pain attack , the village is rebuilding ))

And so after the attack , Danzo attended a meeting with the village elders , as he explained he suggested to take a temporary position as Hokage , the village elders agreed and announced him as a stand-in Hokage until Tsunade recovered , Danzo then arranged to attend the Five Kage summit , having me as his guard alongside another man who's name I couldn't care to remember.

I stood beside the seated Danzo as he attended the round table with the Five Kage . They discussed numerous things and Danzo suggested to be the full time Hokage , some agreed but the vote was never determined as the Raikage brought up another subject " I will not take a vote unless the new threat has been taken care of !"

" new threat ?" the Kazekage questioned  . " Sasuke Uchiha !" Oh great , Sasuke again ...not that I'm surprised,  I knew this would happen . After learning the truth , Sasuke's been having a temper tantrum all over the nations ..I then had a gut feeling  , well well well , Big Brother's here ...

Suddenly Zetsu appeared out the centre of the floor " hello!" Almost everyone went on guard , he smirked and twirled " sasuke uchiha has snuck in , I wonder where he is hiding ? Shall we go look for him ?" Why announce this unless you want to cause Sasuke trouble ? Of course Zetsu was caught and accidently killed , then the Raikage wasn't a patient man , The Raikage stood " I'm not going to let that brat live after what he did , he is not greater then the Kage !" He then left with his men , the Kazekage followed .

We waited patiently as we heard the battle , it sounded intense but then I sensed him here he comes ...Sasuke cut all three banners above us as he glared down at Danzo , I stood behind Danzo with my mask so he didn't notice me at all . As one of the other personal guards attacked him , Danzo fled , it took me a second to catch on oh we running like cowards ? I quickly followed , I can't belive what Danzo is doing . He is running away from my brother , what a joke !

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