Truth and Death

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((To all my Naruto fans , i might write Itachi's truth differently to his actual truth in the manga and anime . So if It's written 'wrong' please don't comment saying it's wrong because I'm writing it the way I perceived it when I watched the anime ))

"Here's the truth ...I was given a choice"

Frowning I asked " what choice ?"

"To die along with the clan , or kill the clan myself allowing Sasuke and You to live "

" why would such a choice be given in the first place ?"

" it's was believed that the Uchiha were planning a coup d'etat, the village will come under siege , every civilian would be caught in the cross fire , both woman and children alike would die as well , the Uchiha would take control with father becoming the Hokage . The Uchiha have been pushed aside for centuries,  hated and oppressed by the hidden leaf. Father wanted to change all of it by becoming the Hokage "

"Who ordered the slaughter then ?"

" the head of the  Anbu , as you know , I was one of the higher members of the Anbu "

"Head of the mean Danzo ?"

"Yes , he explained that the village had long suspected the Uchiha's coup and that they would take action before the coup began . They chose to kill all the Uchiha . Danzo gave me the choice before hand to either handle the matter myself sparing you and your brother or I could stand by fathers side and die along the two of you "

" you ...only chose to kill them because of us ?"

"Yes , I took the role of the 'bad guy' killing my clan , when people hear of it . They don't blame the Uchiha or you or your brother  , they blame me and only me "

" your saying if you didn't chose to kill them , the hidden leaf would've killed all of us then brand us , all the Uchiha would have taken the blame and be cursed in public "

"Yes "

I took a moment to digest the information,  If Sasuke learned of this he will go after Danzo for sure .

"Then why..."

"Why what ?"

"Why did you join the Akatski ?"

" I didn't join them of my own choice , after the massacre , to keep Danzo from going after the two of you. I became a Konoha spy and infultrated the Akatski " 

" you are still working for the hidden leaf to this day ?"

"Yes "

Itachi suddenly coughed violently , out of habit I rushed to Itachi's side catching him to balance him . He coughed into his hand as blood spilled into it ."You're sick " I whispered half shocked and half sad .

Itachi nodded " yes "

"How long have you been this way ?"

"A while "

Then the truth revealed itself in one large blurr  "  you don't intend on coming out of this fight alive , you want sasuke to kill you and feel like he accomplished his goal as you stay a traitor even in death "

" he cannot learn the truth before hand , he must use all his hatred  to kill me "

" this is going to crush him " I whispered

"There is another reason I joined the Akatski . They plan to destroy our world as we know it using the tailed beasts , I have not learned how yet "

Frowning I answered " I see ...for the world huh?"

"Indra don't misconceive my alliance , I love the village and will always do the dirty work to protect it . Shinobi are mere tools for their villages and I will protect Konoha till my death or beyond "

" you love the village that forced you to kill your loved ones and brand you a traitor ?"

" my loved ones , are right here in this room with me . I loved our parents but not as much as I love my little brothers "

Itachi you fool was all I could think

" now you know the truth , what will you do ?"

" you want Sasuke to kill you ?"

"Yes , that is my last wish for this world "

"Then I have one request "

"What is that ?"

Feeling the overwhelming pain of learning the truth I swallowed my trembling voice and spoke clearly " destroy that f*cking curse mark on Sasuke "

Itachi smiled and embraced me tightly consider it done , I'm so proud of you Indra . You have become a powerful and level-headed Shinobi . Father and mother would be proud "

"Would they , really ? I'm about to let my one brother kill the other "

" father and mother would understand "

Getting a flashback of the night of the massacre , Itachi's trembling hands as mother and father were calmly sitting in front of him " they knew ...didn't they ?"

"They did "

" Itachi , you may have been a fool , probably the biggest fool this world will every know ...."

Itachi watched me curiously even accepting the insult

" ...but you tried "

I ended the genjutsu as we opened our eyes , Sasuke stood finally recovered from my MS ." Don't you dare stop me " Sasuke hissed . Taking a glance at Itachi I answered " I won't " . It was faint but Itachi smiled appreciative to me .

And so Sasuke and Itachi fought as I stood by watching the intense battle , the battle led outside as it rained . Sasuke used his most precious technique surprising Itachi . Then when it seemed done , Itachi stood revealing his red Susanoo.  Sasuke seemed frightened and tried to stop him but Itachi stood strong , he then ripped the Orochimaru curse mark out of Sasuke , fulfilling his promise to me . Then Itachi collapsed , exhausted Sasuke collapsed beside him .

Once the battle was over , I walked up to my brothers . One laying bloody and dead , the other bloody and unconscious. Seeing Itachi dead brought to many emotions at once , I gently grabbed Itachi's favorite necklace and ripped it off to keep as something to remember him by . It was silver but drenched in Itachi's blood . Holding the necklace in my hand , Itachi's blood stained my palm nearly dripping out between my fingers, I fought off the tears as I sat between the two brothers leaning against the last wall standing , my back against the wall as I rested my arms across my legs that were sitting up, resting on my  knees and laid my head on top of it.

" Goodbye Itachi "

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