Eyes to see

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"Thankyou Indra ..."

Sasuke clenched his jaw hearing kakashi thank me . " Thankyou Naruto , Indra " Sakura whispered as Naruto let her down , Naruto stepped beside me ready for a fight . Naruto was about to make a move when I put my arm out in front of him , he looked at me questionable but I didn't return his gaze I only watched Sasuke . Suddenly Cookie mask appeared " Sasuke what happened ? I told you to return to rest ..." he looked our way " oh...I see "

Sasuke's eyes narrowed " I see you chose your side "

" if the side is 'fulfilling Itachi's death wish , then yes I am "  Sasuke's eyes widened with anger " you don't get to say that name ! A brother who didn't even protect his own!" I frowned " says the brother who murdered his own !" Sasuke clenched his fists " I didn't know ...at the time...but you did and you still didn't do a thing "

" because he asked me not to . After Itachi told me the truth he asked me not to tell you or stop you , he wanted you to kill him . He was dying regardless , you think I would ignore his last request from me ?"

Sasuke huffed " you've got some nerve little brother , acting all heroic .....it's disgusting "

" no what's disgusting is the brother I don't even recognise anymore "

A awkward silence fell onto us , Sasuke looked ready to pounce any moment , I displayed my MS showing to him that I wasn't joking this time . Cookie mask then put his hands up " I think there's been enough fighting today ...let's go Sasuke " Sasuke glared at me as the cookie mask disappeared with him . I turned around deactivating my MS , Naruto had a sympathetic expression as well as Kakashi , Sakura just kept her head down .  All tension from my body faded " oh Sakura , how's karin doing ?" 

Sakura nodded " she's fine " kakashi then stepped forward " good we will take her in for questioning then . Let's go " I felt dizzy and held onto Naruto's shoulder " hold up...I don't feel to well... ." Sakura looked at us and gasped " the poison kunai !" Just as my body gave in , Naruto quickly caught me by the shoulders . Sakura pulled out her sachel of  ingredients " I will quickly make the antidote ! I'm so sorry Indra !"


Before I knew it , we returned to Konoha . A few months ago I began renting an apartment in the main city of Konoha so that I wouldn't be late for the Anbu debriefs and that's where I am now , relaxing on the balcony watching the night life

" this city is beautiful at night " a deep voice suddenly spoke beside me , I quickly moved to kick him but he jumped back with a chuckle , it was none other than cookie mask . I frowned " you are like a bug , always bothering me when I'm most irratated "  the cookie mask chuckled " such harsh words "

I crossed my arms " why are you here ?" I put down a large container that was covered by a cloth " you helped Sasuke kill Danzo , I brought you a reward "

" I don't want it " I could somehow tell that he was smirking " oh but you'd want this ..." he pulled the cover revealing eyes with the sharingan , immediately I dropped my arms " is that..." he chuckled and patted the top " this is the very eyes of the Uchiha leader ...Fugaku,  your father "

I stared at it in awe , the cookie mask continued to speak ignoring my reaction " the only way you will achieve EMS is by transplanting  a family members eyes , Sasuke will be taking Itachi's . Unfortunately Sasuke eyes need repair and need time to heal in a unique solution until it can be used so your only option is your father's eyes" 

He then placed a file down " Konoha will have questions so if you chose to do it . This place will be safe and also trustworthy , if not you can destroy it ."

" why are you doing this ?"

" simple , I want to see just how powerful the Uchiha Prodigy can get " he then vanished . I looked at the container and covered it , I need another opinion ...I called a message hawk and asked it to call for Tenten. Tenten arrived within a hour , she hugged me as a greeting then walked in " what's wrong ?"

I walked around the container " do you remember when I  explained how the MS can be upgraded ?" Tenten nodded " yes ?" I pulled the cover off revealing my father's eyes , Tenten gasped and covered her mouth " are those ....?"

" They're my father's ...I have the option to do the implantation , but I do have fears of the effects after " Tenten walked up to me and hugged my arm closely " This choice is yours Indra , you have an opportunity to become stronger and save yourself from blindness."

" so you think I should ?"

" yes...but Kohoha won't allow it ..."

" it's fine , I know where to go . But I will be gone a while , sure you won't miss me ?"

Tenten chuckled " miss you ? You think I'd miss you ?"

I pouted " wouldn't you ?"

Tenten suddenly grabbed my face " definitely " and placed her lips on mine .

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