Rabbits / Bunnies

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On our little road trip we came across a clearing , a large field came into view , it seemed unreal . The grass was lushes and green , the trees were beaming with life , not a single dead branch . The wildlife seemed unbothered by the new company , wild kudou ran in the fields , a large family of rabbits hopped around the field and many other animals .

Suigetsu's mouth hung agap " is this real or are we all under genjutsu ?"

My eyes looking around " it's real ..."
" how can you tell ?" Suigetsu countered . " Genjutsu doesn't work on me " I answered as I walked forward . We spilt up to enjoy the field of wonder , I heard Suigetsu laugh like a mad man . Karin glared his way " what are you doing ? Leave them alone " Suigetsu was chasing the rabbits " oh come on , roasted rabbit is the best !"

Most of the rabbits hid by Juugo who seemed the safest for wild life , Suigetsu stepped back not willing to fight Juugo for rabbits . He noticed one white one who didn't join them and was out in the open , he turned his attention to it and ran after it . The rabbit hopped as fast as it could but Suigetsu was closing in , desperate the rabbit ran to the closest human hoping the human would shelter it .

It just so happens to run towards me , as it reached my feet , I crouched down and picked it up . It was so soft and fluffy that I nuzzled it while holding it , the rabbit seemed pleased by the comfort . Suigetsu stopped in his tracks seeing the rabbit was saved " Ey....Indra , wanna hand it over ?"

"Go away " I whispered enjoying the Rabbits softness , Suigetsu groaned " aww come on Indra , I'll share the meat with you if you do "

" no one is eating Zhan "

"Zhan ? You've named it already ?" Suigetsu complained " come on , I know . I'll fight you for it ! Deal ? No Sharingan though !"

" fight for Zhan's life ?" I asked . Suigetsu nodded with a smirk , I gently put Zhan in my jacket " deal " . I turned to Suigetsu with murderous intent , Suigetsu flinched " w-wait I-Indra!"  I stepped forward , as soon as my heel touched the dirt , I appeared behind Suigetsu in a instant . His body froze in shock , suddenly he dropped splashing in a puddle of water . I looked back as Zhan peeked his head out my jacket , ears up . I scratched one ear gently " Zhan stays "

Suigetsu grumbled in the pool of himself " that wasn't fair , I wasn't ready ...."

Sasuke approached " why bring a useless creature along with ?"

I frowned " Useless ? That's insulting . Can't you tell it's an abandoned summon ?" Karin eyed it closer " right I see it now , on its forehead "  I nodded " I'll make a contract with it , got a problem with that ?"

Sasuke sighed " whatever , let's go . We are closing in on Deidera " .

Zhan looked up at me , I smiled " Let's go , neh Zhan ?" The bunny seemed pleased and stayed in my jacket .

I made a contract with it , it immediately became my summon . Sasuke called it useless but he doesn't see what it could be , now it has a master and contract , not only will it be powerful but also useful .

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