Escaping pursuit

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I just noticed I spelled Deidara wrong ( I spelled it Deidera and not Deidara , oh well )

We arranged one room for sasuke to get his rest , Juugo bandaged up his body as Karin tried to act touch saying Deidara wasn't that big of a deal . The topic changed after Juugo almost went on a ramage and Sasuke stopped him using the genjutsu but in return fell asleep. 

Karin looked to me " what happened?  I sensed your chakra signature magnify during the explosion "

" oh that . I absorbed the blast with my chakra "

"You can do that ?!" Karin gasped .

I looked at her curiously " yes , why are you so shocked ?"

" I have never heard of such a thing "

" well of course not , I invented it " I said with a laugh , sometimes I wonder how these guys are elite ninja when they get so easily shocked .

------------The Konoha group pursuing Hebi ---------

Naruto arrived as the group noticed " Naruto !"

Naruto : "looks like everyone noticed as well , what's going on ?"

Sakura : "there are signs that Sasuke was here not too long ago ."

Ninja hound : " there are other scents as well , looks like Sasuke has more than one accomplice "

Kiba took a deep breath " Indra...he was here . His scent is all over the place "

Naruto : " Indra fought with Sasuke ?"

Kakashi : " we can't be to sure , Sasuke never liked to work with someone , it's possible he was just a bystander "

Naruto :" where are they now ?"

Kiba : " I can track their scents , Indra's is strongest for some unknown reason "

Kakashi : " then let's go , before they move to far along "

------------back to the group Hebi----------

I sighed watching my brother sleep , I can't believe I had to save your ass . Karin went out for supplies as we waited , Juugo sat beside me . " what ?" I asked . " why do you follow Sasuke ?"

"Mm ? I thought I made it clear ?"

" to find Itachi , but you didn't specify why and also why you allow Sasuke to order you around if you are stronger ?"

I laughed " well ...A lot of things Itachi did made no sense to me , so when we finally find him , before Sasuke fights him . I want him to tell me why he did what he did , what was so important that he did what he did . And the reason I follow Sasuke is --"

Karin burst into the room " Wake up Sasuke ! We have Konoha ninja incoming! "

Sasuke opened his eyes and looked to her , it was obvious.  Time to move .

Sasuke got dressed and we headed out the city , Karin had a plan to use Sasuke damaged shirt to confuse the ninja hounds . When Karin mentioned Ninja hounds , my heart fluttered slightly is Kiba with them ? Man I haven't seen him in so long , I wonder how large Akumaru is now ...I miss my old team . They probably replaced me with another ninja to fill the gap in the team , I wish I could say that I don't take it personally,  that it's a common thing to replace missing or dead teammates . But it does make one feel more expendable more than  a ninja is .

As we begun to move we saw a Naruto shadow clone " Sasuke!" Sasuke used chidori to destroy it , Sasuke seemed annoyed. I stopped on one of the trees . Karin turned back to me " what are you doing ?"

" go ahead , I'll catch up . I'm going to distract Naruto " Sasuke eyed me curiously but moved ahead . Finally Naruto caught up " Who are you!?" He demanded

" ouch don't even recognise a friend ?"

Naruto's eyes focused as he studied me , I raised an eyebrow with my hand on my hip waiting . He gasped " I-Indra!?!"

I suddenly laughed " what's with that reaction pfthahaha"

Naruto smiled " you look different but I'm glad to see you haven't really changed "

"Why would I want that ? What do you mean by different? "

" well um you look ...better .."

I laughed again " is that your way of trying to compliment a friend without feeling weird about it ?"

Naruto sighed defeated " yeah ...listen ...why aren't you stopping Sasuke "

" because I want to find Itachi too "

"But he will kill him "

"You are stating the obvious Naruto "

"Don't you care ? His your brother !"

I clicked my tongue " of course I care ! You think I enjoy watching my brothers tear at each others throats like this ? I'm following Sasuke to find Itachi so I can learn the truth "

"And what about Sasuke's revenge ?"

" If Itachi tells me the truth , I will stop Sasuke myself "

" can you do that ?"

" I certainly can . Naruto I know from your point of view this seems risky . But it's a risk I have to take . If you only had one half truth about  your parents wouldn't you look for the rest of the truth ? To find answers to the questions no one could answer ?"

Naruto hung his head " that's ....that's different,  no one is rushing to kill them like Sasuke is !"

With a heavy sigh I turned " you won't get it ..." I left Naruto standing there and followed Sasuke's tracks

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