Down Time

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"Indra , is that you boy ?"

How did he find out ? I may have the same habits as I did when I was a kid but there's no way that , that is the reason ...

Father reached for his own face and touched beneath his right eye "I can feel your chakra in my eyes , it's Indra's , but Indra at the moment doesn't have chakra this strong or balanced . It feels like it was cultivated for years . Not only that , but I sense my own chakra coming from your eyes , those are mine , aren't they ?"

"Yes " was all I could muster , I have forgotten what father was like . He truly was the head of the Uchiha.

" I see , then what are you doing here my son ? Time travelling isn't a light event "

" Honestly,  it wasn't planned " I rubbed my eyes with a sigh " it seems my MS ability enhanced yours and it triggered this time travelling ability ...I was surprised myself when I came here "

"How old are you now Indra ?"

"17 , ironically I did the transplant on my birthday "

"You said our MS abilities fused meaning you have full control of the sharingan . Before you leave this time line you must erase my memories and anyone else's memories who you have been with , the future you "

" I will , I can't risk the time lines changing "

" well then , since my memories will be erased . No need to keep things hidden while you are here . Besides me , who else have you run in ?"

"No one else , I was trying to hide from my younger self when I met you "

Father walked up to me , he reached out and patted my head . I flinched at his touch surprised by his action , I don't remember this affectionate side of him . Father have a slight smile " We should eat , you must be hungry "

" I am actually " father turned and led me out the alley way to a diner to eat . When we sat down , father eyed me while I looked at the food menu .
" what made you decide to grow out your hair ?"

Huh are we bonding now ? Well at least I have some company .." when I was 12 , I read in our older history books how the Uchiha grew their hair , and only cut it once they've lost a fight. Noticing how that tradition had faded , I decided to try it out "

"So you haven't lost a fight , in 5 years ?"

Realisation hit me and I played with a long strand between me fingers , has it been that long already ? 

The waitress brought two glasses of water , she then asked what we would like to eat . I chose Ramen and father chose the same dish , the waitress then wrote it down and smiled " won't be long " then she winked at me . She turned and walked as Father chuckled slightly " Another Uchiha trait ...attractive good looks , do you have someone special to you back home ?"

This doesn't feel right ! Why is he being so casual?  Why are we sitting and having a conversation like this ? The father I remember was strict , his face was made of stone . He never took interest like this nor did he smile or chuckle ! Is it because I'm older ? Or can he sense that he didn't survive to see Sasuke and my growth ? For now I best play it safe and answer his questions .

" yeah , her names Tenten "

Father nodded " is she a konochi? "
" she is , she's a weapons specialist "

"Did you meet at the academy? "

" no , she's actually two years older then me . I met her at the chunnin exams " that was when she and I had a few moments that we rather sweet .

" I see , older woman then . And how's Sasuke doing ?" The question made me freeze slightly , last time I saw Sasuke was when we killed Danzo . How is he doing ?

" we haven't spoken in a while , we are two different people so we fight occasionally" was all I could say , I didn't want him to know how low we became , killing someone for revenge , for people who already died , who can't come back .

"To be honest I'm surprised ..." father suddenly blurted , I looked at him questionable , he closed his eyes as if he was focusing " the general Uchiha chakra's are cold , distant and powerful ...but yours is different,  it's warm and comforting.  It tells me everything I need to know about the young man sitting before me , the young man my son has become ."

After father spoke those words there was an awkward silence , we went off the future topic and spoke about casual things , I would ask questions such as " I don't remember this , when did that happen ?" . There's no harm in me learning more about the past , as long as I don't reveal to much of the future regardless if I can erase memories . Some things are better left unspoken .

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