Sign away

911 28 2

After last night , Kurenai sensei hardly spoke a word to me . I dont know if she is ignoring me or is still mad at me but honestly I could care less . Who is she to tell me what I can do with my sharingan ? I wonder if Sasuke is having the same issue with his Jonin .

We arrived at the Jin estate just before sundown , so the journey without resting takes 2 days and with rest , 3 days . Jin's estate was heavily guarded , I frowned at the way they were glaring at us . Lord Fuji chuckled " dont worry , they are more likely to harm us after negotiations . I must return the signed papers to the hokage to make it offical , they would rather stop me from returning to Konoha then to attack me now and dont get a chance to hear the terms " 

That makes more sense , hear the terms then if its not to their liking , stop the documents from becoming official by replacing the documents on Lord Fuji's corpse or kidnapping him and forcing him to change the terms. We arrived to the main hall , The guards glared " only one may enter with you " Lord Fuji looked around and his eyes settled on me , Kurenai-sensei wasnt pleased which made both Hinata and Kiba confused" no lord Fuji , right now he isnt the one you should--"

" I trust this boy , he shows great knowledge and observation skills , also he is part of the esteemed clan " Kurenai sighed defeated . Lord Fuji smiled " come boy " he walked , I glanced back at my team and followed Lord Fuji inside . Lord Fuji sat across a younger more sinister looking man , Lord Jin . I sat behind Lord Fuji as Lord Fuji prepeared the documents in the table " there will be no interupptions . You are to increase the tax rate by 20% , farmed goods should be divided between the two cities between here and Konoha and of course Konoha itself . If you do not agree to these terms , Konoha will withdraw support " Lord Fuji finished  

Lord Jin stood " thats ridiculous ! The taxes of my people are already to high ! And the farmed good supplies are thin due to the drought we cannot agree to these terms !" Lord Fuji frowned " then what exactly do you propose ?" Lord Jin held his chin in thought " 5 % Taxes and....1/3 of goods supplied ..." Lord Fuji growled " those terms are denied ! 5 % taxes ? You do realise every and all travelers pass through here to Konoha , your tourist attractions are worth double then 20% taxes ! And farmed goods?! You own over 50 farms , and your guards have water type chakra styles , surely you can feed your farms , your reasons are ridiculous and unsupported !!"

These negotiations arent working , if anything its making Lord Jin very aggrevated .Lord Jin glared " how did you come by this information?" Lord Fuji smirked " I disgised myself as a traveler and experienced it myself , I witnessed it all . You cannot lie to witnessing eyes Lord Jin . Now propose proper terms " Lord Jin hung his head " I cannot ..." Lord Fuji took out the writting brush " then sign to the terms " Lord Jin growled "sign my life savings away..." Lord Fuji huffed " your father's savings . You only started this path , your father would have easily agreed " Lord Jin growled and grabbed the brush signing the papers , Lord Fuji whispered to me " now..."

I knew what he meant by 'now' . Now the papers are sighned , now he can attack Lord Fuji ,Now begins the danger. The real mission begins NOW.

Lord Jin finished and tosses the brush onto the table with a growl " there " Lord Fuji collected the documents , without another word we walked out . We were greeted with a interesting sight , All Jins guards were attacking my team , Hinata dodging the men with her eyes , hitting a few with her gentle fist , Kiba using his fang over fang against the men , impressively knocking a few out cold and Kurenai sensei used basic Taijutsu . I immediately pulled out my kunai and blocked an incoming attack from behind , It was Lord Jin himself . Lord Fuji visibly surprised stumbled back " you have no honor attacking a man from behind !" Lord Jin clenched his jaw " Honor ?! Where is Konoha's Honor ?!" Jin jumped back and did hand signs "water style , water dragon jutsu !" The fountain beside us broke as a huge water dragon emerged , Lord Fuji gasped and stumbed back into the supporting pillar of the kazeboo for the garden.

I did the my handsighns " Fire style , fire dragon jutsu!" A massive fire like dragon emmerged from the flames i made and clashed into the water dragon causing it to evaporate . As the steam crowded the area , I took Lord Fuji's arm and moved him back to Kirenai sensei , then I stood infront of him facing Lord Jin . Kurenai sensei stood behind him facing the enemy as Hinata and Kiba did the same from his sides . The steam made it difficult to see but we had an advantage " Hinata , spot them for me " I asked pulling out my ninja stars .

Hinata activated her byakugan ( definetly didnt spell that right lol or maybe I did , cant tell) "two on your left  10'o clock and three on your right  1'o clock , and oh no above you just above centre!"  Following Hinata's instructions I threw the ninja stars , it hit every single target in the neck perfect mark , obviously it killed them . Their bodies dropped to the dirt when the steam cleared , the only man standing before me was Lord Jin who had a half angry half fearful expression .

Lord Fuji frowned " Lord Jin , You are under arrest for attempt of my murder and for illegally trying to change the terms of agreement between your estate and Konoha !" Kurenai flashes beside Lord Jin and put him in a deep genjutsu making his body go limp . She picked him up and threw him over her shoulder , she looked at the three of us " well done , you handled that battle well , let us go home "

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