Chunnin Exams .....Already?!

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Indra's appearance FYI

We returned to Konoha shortly , Kiba had questions but he never got any answers , it wasnt involved with our mission so no one needed to know

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We returned to Konoha shortly , Kiba had questions but he never got any answers , it wasnt involved with our mission so no one needed to know . Lord Jin was taken into custody as Lord Fuji went to the Hokage Office , the three of us went to have lunch as a victory meal for our first real mission done . Later that night Sasuke asked me various questions and I told him everything besides the fire element invention and the yellow knives . The next few weeks consisted of boring low ranked missions , helping to clean a farm , do deliveries and such , Sasuke went on a mission in the land of waves and returned with an awakened sharingan . Then one day during a mission Kurenai sensei saw a black bird and dismissed us , It was odd because she never did that with us .

" what do you think that was about ?" Kiba questioned , honestly I had no clue either . Hinata looked light headed probably tired " hey guys , lets meet up tomorrow . We've been working non-stop since we got back . Lets take it easy " I suggested . Kiba nodded " Actually I agree there , Im dead " We nodded and parted ways . I rubbed my eyes , man Im exhausted , all I want to do now is have a nice hot shower and sleep for days . As I turned on a corner I crashed into someone , on a normal day I would have easily side stepped but I had no energy .

" Excuse me " the voice said , I looked up and blinked a few times , full green spandex , thick bushy eyebrows , mop head and  firey energy . I groaned " sorry ....Im exhausted so I didnt bother to move around " my tone was lazy , the guy smiled brightly with a thumbs up " dont worry ! I will share my energy and enthusiasm with you!!" His energy is so bright and blinding I physically had to cover my eyes with my arm " no...Im good ..."

" Lee why'd you stop ?" A girls voice asked behind him , he turned to her " Sorry Tenten , looks like I met someone new " the girl came into view , brown hair tied up in two buns , brown eyes , a pink shirt with green pants , kinda attractive actually .  She looked at me and she seemed surprised , the guy now identified as Lee smiled " this is my teammate Tenten , our other teammate isnt here right now his name is Neji " huh so this is Neji hyuga's team then ?

" and she called you Lee ?" I asked , he smiled " that is correct , I am Lee of the Leaf village ! And who are you my new friend ?"

"Indra . Uchiha " Lee gasped " youre of the Uchiha !?" His eyes were shinning brightly , geez is this guy a running battery or something ? Doesnt he even relax .Lee suddenly grabbed my shoulders " please ! Fight me !" Tenten looked apologetic my way " Lee , he doesnt seem inter--" "oh please Indra , fight with me !" I sighed " I wouldnt mind anyday Lee but Im exhausted , another time maybe ?" Lee smiled " is that a promise ?" " sure" I answered . Then Lee hugged me making me jump in my skin as he happy cried , I sighed again looking over at Tenten . She gave another apologetic smile , how does she keep up with this energy ??!

Lee stepped back " When we fight we can push eachothers limits , become stronger and better fighters . We will be amazing Ninja !" My lazy mood passed on ,this guy's energy is really catching . I chuckled and rubbed the back of my head " I suppose so " Lee beamed " you have such an amazing smile Indra !" That phrase threw me off , and I looked at him questionally . I looked to tenten to see if she could explain but she was just staring with a blushed face , so no answers for me then ?

"What are you doing?" A harsh voice called , we all looked behind Tenten to see Neji walking over with a stern face , ive seen him before so I knew who he was right away . He frowned at me " Gai sensei is looking for us " Lee nodded " then we shouldnt keep him waiting , untill we meet again Indra "  Lee walked to Neji who already began walking away . Tenten looked at me once more " Ill ...see you around..." she cleared her thoat and quickly caught up with her teammates .

Just as I was about to walk I saw Kiba and Hinata approach with Kurenai sense " huh I thought you guys were going home ?" Kiba shrugged " we were but Kurenai sensei came to fetch us for some big news " I raised my eyebrow as Kurenai sensei nodded " thats right , its time for you three to join something bigger . Ive recommended all three of you for the Chunnin Exams , you dont have to go , this is something you voulenter for "

The chunnin exams ? Already ?
We looked amongst ourselves and all three nodded , Kiba looked at Kurenai sensei " was there any doubt ?" I smirked " we're in " Kiba fist bumped " to the chunnin exams , Yeah!"

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