Naruto Shippuden Begins!

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( image above is Indra now - Age 15 almost 16 )

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( image above is Indra now - Age 15 almost 16 )

( Indra's clothing - Hanfu )-----------------------------------------------------------

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( Indra's clothing - Hanfu )

3 years after leaving Konoha , so many things have changed . Sasuke's quiet almost like a mute and he wears a white kimono top with a purple sash and blue pants , his kimono is always half open like who is he trying to seduce ?! . I grew my hair out and had it tied up in a ponytail . I wore a black hanfu with red edging  . I constantly wore black and used fire attacks so I was given a title " The black dragon of the Uchiha " kinda has a ring to it , doesn't it ?

After sparing with Sasuke I fixed my hair , Sasuke huffed " who are you trying to seduce with that long hair ?"  I smirked " says the one who always has his chest revealed . Tell me Sasuke , and I will try to handle the news the best I can , are you trying to seduce Orochimaru or Kabuto?" Sasuke glared at me obviously not impressed by my joke .

"Sasuke , I have a task for you . Go meet up with Karin in the forest up north . She will explain the mission" Orochimaru stated as he walked into the room . Sasuke didn't say a word , not a yes and not a no . He just simply walked out the room with his sword fixed perfectly in his belt . Orochimaru looked my way , as though on instinct my face twisted in a scowl , Orochimaru chuckled "you will get wrinkles like that ..." I huffed crossing my arms " don't try to make small talk with me , we aren't buddies " Orochimaru chuckled again " what would it take for you to be civil with me ?" I smirked " your death "

"Unlikely "  He stated . I shrugged " to bad " I walked passed him and passed his lap dog Kabuto , Kabuto grabbed my arm " speak with respect to Orochimaru, you are only living here because he wishes it ." As soon as his fingers touched my arm , my MS activated.  I glared at him ,my MS triggering physical pain , Kabuto groaned in pain as he dropped to his knees letting my arms go.  I dusted where he held and looked at him down on the floor " Don't . Touch . Me . Okay doggie ?" I left the room hearing a soft chuckle from the snake himself .

I went to visit one of my favourite people,  Suigetsu, the wittiest and most fun person this hideout could ever have . He sadly was held in a tank but he could still speak to me , from what I gather , he enjoys my visits . " Did you have fun ?" He asked as soon as I entered the lab room . I rolled my eyes and walked up to his tank " Kabuto is asking for it " Suigetsu snickered " I've never seen anyone who upsets him more than you do..." I crossed my arms over my chest " I'm not particularly fond of him either , in fact he irratates me more than the big snake himself . Following Orochimaru around like a lost child asking a random man to be his father "

Snickering Suigetsu suggested " maybe that's what he wants , Orochimaru has been searching for successors overlooking Kabuto , maybe that's why Kabuto is his faithful puppy "  I nodded seeing some truth to that idea . I sighed again and leaned against the tank , resting my head against the glass " how much longer is Sasuke going to take ?"

Suigetsu's face and upper torso manifested in the water " Has the signs began yet ?" I nodded " He is coughing a lot more and often has to be held steady by Kabuto . "I looked to Suigetsu " it's almost time " Suigetsu chuckled " I'm surprised you won't do the task yourself , you'd rather wait for your brother . You could obviously do it right now if you wanted ."

I smirked " nothing has been pissing Sasuke off more then being ordered around by that duo , if I took their lives what fun would he have ?" Suigetsu grinned " what a thoughtful younger brother . "

Am I thoughLately I've just been floating around this situation,  travelling with Sasuke from one hideout to the other , listening to Orochimaru training him , ordering him around and acting like Sasuke is his famed student when every single one of us know that he is only after the Uchiha abilities. He is too chicken shit to  try for mine so he is wiggling that scaling tail into Sasuke's mind . Thankfully we already devised a plan , once Orochimaru is near the body overtake ritual , Sasuke will kill him and I will free my friend Suigetsu.  Together we will gain two more teammates and track down our brother Itachi  Uchiha .

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