A Cutie and a Creep

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I rested against a tree flipping a kunai around , should I scout all the way to the tower or should I return to my team and travel cautiously.  Most of these guys are jokes but that doesn't mean that there are some dangerous guys like that Gaara , Sasuke seemed interested in and of course Neji's team . I'm sure we will be able to handle them but one of us won't get out unscathed , with the clan saga going on I'm sure Hinata will be his target .

" You're awfully calm in such a dangerous place " a voice said  , I look up to see Tenten approach calmly and alone . I chuckled " I should tell you the same thing " Tenten visibly blushed " well , I'm not exactly calm just reserved " I smirked " you're not planning on attacking me are you ? It wouldn't be such a great idea " She smiled " no , I'm just scouting " I nodded " I see , same plan as me " I stood and approached her , stopping a few inches from her " so did you leave your teammates behind or are they doing the same ?"

" why , trying to get information out of me ?" I chuckled " No need , got our scrolls already " Tenten seemed surprised " already ?" I nodded . I heard a sound , it wasn't loud to be too noticeable but It was there . I looked to the side seriously , Tenten frowned " what is it--" I put my finger up " shh!" I waited a bit and when I was certain I grabbed Tenten's hand and pulled her along , quickly hiding against a tree holding Tenten closely making sure the bushes hide us . My one hand around her waist holding her against me and the other to cover her mouth , I didn't realise it at the time but I litrally held her against my body torso to torso , I was too preoccupied with the incoming company to notice it . Tenten's face went ten different shades of red , the incoming enemy landed in the clearing that we were standing in just a few seconds ago , it was a whole team , I noticed the yellow clothing ahhh come on seriously ? Those yellow knives guys again?! . They looked around , Jyn quickly fixed his long hair as San clicked his tongue " damn it , where did he go?!" Lan frowned " think he caught onto us ?" Jyn sighed " most likely , we should go on ahead , we will find him sooner or later " San nodded" agreed " the three advanced in the woods . With a sigh of relief I slowly let Tenten go not even looking at her , mostly to keep a watch out for any other enemies .

Surprisingly Tenten didn't yell at me or slap me or anything . She just acted like nothing happened , she cleared her throat " I should probably head back " I nodded and looked at her " I should do the same " I smirked " good luck " Tenten blushed " yeah you too "  she jumped into the forest .

Just as I was about to relax , a creepy voice made me jump in my skin " well well I didn't expect you to be such a flirt~"  I slowly turned around to see a unfamiliar face , long hair , reptilian eyes and pale skin . Why does this guy seem so familiar?  As if reading my mind he smirked " I dropped my disguise " he waved his hand over his face showing the grass ninja face then removing it once more , instinctively  I stepped back .

"Let me Introduce myself , I am Orochimaru . It's a pleasure to meet you formally my dear Uchiha hatchling ~" I shivered again , this guy makes my skin crawl ! Noticing my guard was up , it spoke again " No warm welcome mm? Well well you are different to your brother . He attacked immediately apon my arrival but you , You calmly assess me . I see the difference in skill now " I frowned he met Sasuke already , wait what did he do to him then ?! I can't show my concerns he will use it against me . I must act uncaring to the subject .

And I tried to keep a plain face as though his words didn't effect me  , he chuckled "I see.  Well unlike your brother , I will not battle you here . With your advanced skill , We will destroy this place and I'm honestly curious about your skill set . Tell me Hatchling , what do you plan to do when your brother seeks power for his revenge ?"

Isn't it obvious ? Smack some sense into him , find answers first  " what's it to you?" I hissed , he chuckled " so you can speak , what a sweet voice ~ "  another round of chills and skin crawling , I'm never going to be calm around this guy . " I gave your precious Sasuke a gift , he will seek me out for power . Against your better judgement I do hope you join him . I would hate to miss the opportunity of watching your abilities grow~"

He suddenly vanished , with releasing a tight breath , I sat down quickly . I don't care how good I am , I'm in no way ready to cross knives with that creep , I guess in some ways I'm still proven to be the younger brother .

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